Needle Stick Update

Oct 24, 2002
Hello all,
Just wanted to give all of you an update, and thank you for your support. First the good news. As you remember I was stuck by a dirty needle a couple of weeks ago while working a code arrest. The patient died and I found out she had Hepatitis "C". Her blood was finally tested for the HIV virus and found to be negative.:D Now for the rest of the story..... :mad: You would think that OME (office of the medical examiner) would have no problem testing the blood of a corpse to find out if it had the HIV virus, then I wouldn't have to take toxic meds, my family wouldn't worry, and it just seems like the right thing to do. But NOOO! it seems the attorney for OME here in Tucson interperts the law a little different than everyone else in the state. Apparently my needle stick is not a public health risk therefore they can't test the patients blood because of "patient confidentiality". Did I mention the "patient" is a corpse? (I wonder how the attorney would feel if it was her that got stuck?). My Union got involved as did the Phoenix Fire Union and before I knew it the Arizona State Attorney General was also involved. Oh I almost forgot, the State Epidemiologist was also contacted. Fortunately they were able to convice the OME attorney that she had made a poor interpertation of the law and the blood was shortly sent up to Phoenix to be tested. Now all I have to do is wait for six months to see if I catch Hepatitis C. Not likely according to all the latest literature. Thanks again for all your support!

Best Regards,
Unfrick'n believable...
I bet if she stuck her a$$ she would have sent that blood off before she went home that night.

Good luck, hopefully all will work out fine.

1whobuys is not only a INFI HOG but has a vaild point. She would know ASAP one way or the other. I'm sure we all have nothing but the best thoughts for you.
I do not know what was more frustrating the neede or the bureaurocratic BS? Best wishes going forward.
Scott, Best of luck with all of this. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Jerry and Jennifer Busse

I too hope all comes back negative bud. That wait has to suck.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

TM, keep the faith that things will continue to work out well.

OTOH, why am I not surprised at how imbecile some attorneys are... :rolleyes:
Heres a good one for ya...
I had a job working in a hospital dealing mainly with combative patients admitted under the Baker act, Oh yeah...I got to remove dead patients too. Anyway, the entire duration of my employment we were constantly responding so when shot time came we would always be "overlooked"... Never did get them.
I had another job involving minimal physical contact with humans. There, one would get in trouble if you did not get all the mandatory shots. :rolleyes:
I did come into contact with a ton of undesireable substances, but I am good to go today.

Hope it helps....good luck.
Thanks all,
I will let you know when the 6 months are up. I appreciate all the prayers and support.

Best Regards,
I thought that in cases where hep might be a problem and you havent shown symptoms and are not sure if it is positive a big gamagoblin shot could work as a preventitive mesure.This if I am not mistaken is the only time it would be effective.I might be dead wrong but it might be worth checking out.............R
Hey BE4U,
Thanks for the concern. Unfortunately the Gamaglobulin (spelling?) only works with Hep B. Apparently Hep C is a whole different animal. Just the same thanks again.

Best Regards,
I hope everthing turns out good for you and I will keep you in my prayers.I have both B&C and didnt even know it untill I started showing symptoms one day.I have been in contact with others concerning hepititis via the internet and so far have found that the interferon treatments can be a hard road to toil.It wears you down and makes it hard to work and you feel sick almost all the time.It is only about 40% effective for most people.So in knowing this I started looking for other ways to combat it.I have always heard good things about collidial silver and started taking it.I have had 2 liver panels done and the virus is almost non exsistant in me.Collidial siver is a natural antibiotic and is amazing for just about every human ailment.I have a friend up the coast from me that opted to go the collidial silver way and not interferon and her last two liver panels her virual load is way down and the only thing she has done diferent is taking the collidial silver and change her diet.I know of a website that has testimonials about it from warts to hepititis.I will post it.Mind you most of the testimonials are for hep b but it does work for hep c also.I have since been making the collidial silver as it costs 30 to 40 bucks and ounce and can be made easily for pennies an ounce.All the big silver generators run anywhere from 80 to 300 bucks but all you need is 3 nine volt batteries and the silver rods.Less than 20 bucks.I have done allot of research on the subject and would be happy to help.My wife and I take it daily and we make our own and at our own strength for next to nothing.It is a great cure all and preventitive for even the common cold and dates back to ancient egypt when they lined there water vase's with silver.Also where the term born with a silver spoon in there mouth comes from.The rich used to let there children suck on silver spoons to prevent colds and viruses.All it is is silver suspended in distilled water with a electrical charge.Most doctors I have spoken with are skeptic but it is working for me and many others and can not hurt you unless you were to drink a gallon a day for a extended time.Then it would turn your skin and teeth grey maybe.The daily dose is about a tablespoon to an ounce per day.Most doctors think herbs and accupuncture are a joke but I think the only thing they are afraid of is the truth....R
I just want to say I have nothing to do with this website or will gain a thing by posting this other than helping someone with an open mind and a need.There is allot of info here and allot of testimonials to many ailments.The generator they sell here is just three nine volt batteries and the silver rods that have the connections attached to the end.sandwiched between two pieces of plasticised wood.All you need is the rods for twelve bucks and your own batteries and a way two keep it out of the water while it cooks. If you have any questions email me and I will get back to you with what I know or can find out.Good luck...........R