I talked to David Etchieson at the HAM museum this morning, this is some of what I found out.
The escutheon plate on the original at the museum IS turned upside down. WHY? That is the way it was when they recieved it. THEY HAVE A PHOTO, TAKEN SOMETIME IN THE 30'S OR 40'S, THAT SHOWS IT TURNED RIGHTSIDE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The makers that signed contracts to make AUTHORIZED reproductions were: Massey, Walker, Flournoy, Crowell, Gaston, Cook, Anders, and Fisk. Of these 8, 5 have made them: Massey, Walker, Cook, Anders, and Fisk. Massey is the only one that is making the 2nd one at this time. The contract allowed them to make two each. These authorized knives are marked with the makers last name, MS and ATR 1; with Massey's 2nd will be ATR 2. At this time the museum has Cook's still available for the price of 3500.00, part of which goes to the museum. Walker's was for sale, but Keith lit a fire in me and it's no longer available!
As for as the steel pins, the bowie authorities, think that they are replacments. (NOT ORIGINAL TO THE KNIFE!)