New 110

Jul 29, 2002
Just got a new 110 off e-bay. It has Buck 110 on one side and a "T" on the other. Is this a 2003 model. Just wanted to confirm. It's my first 110 and it is awesome. Thanks
Yes emil, the "T" stamp is the year mark for 2003. You mentioned the the "T" was on the back side of the blade. My understanding is that this makes this knife part of an "experiment" the factory tried, and decided they didn't like. Normally the year mark is on the front side of the blade beside the model number. Someone thought putting the year mark on the backside might be beter so they produced "X" number of blades so stamped. Once in production it was decided to move the mark back to the front after the "rear marked blades" were all used.
Its not that rare as I seem to recall a figure in the thousands of the blades like that, but still, it is a little different.

There were also some of the 2002 Centennial 110's that used this blades. Now that, to me, is kinda cool - a 2002 knife (with the Centennial Medalion in the handle) and an "oddball" 2003 blade.

If this is your first 110 - is it your first BUCK? Do I feel another case of "Buck Fever" coming on? Have you heard about the Buck Collector's Club?

Welcome to the family!!!!
Thanks for the reply. It is my first 110, but not my first Buck. I've had a 305 Lancer for many years, then I got a Stockman for something bigger. This was before I discovered computers and this forum. Well, I have since gotten a 532! and recently a 422 to keep in the truck or for camping. And now the 110. I grew up in San Diego, and when we were kids all knives were called "buck knives". We didn't even know it was a brand name. If you had a knife and it folded, it was a buck. Anyways, take care.
Dan, I did forget to ask about the collectors club. I would like some info. Even though Buck is leaving San Diego, I still support them for being a great company. Thanks