New Arrival; Coote Grinder

Oct 24, 2005
Hi All,
My new coote grinder arrived yesterday! I am still getting all the necessary bits together (mounting base, pulleys, belts, motor, controllers) but it should be up and running within a week or so hopefully :D
Norm Coote is a great guy to deal with, as has been said before on here. Everything went fine and he put in a lot of time and effort answering questions and organising (organiZing to you Americans :p ) shipping to Oz.
I'll post pics etc when it is all up and running, thank you to those who gave their reviews and opinions on the Coote, the info helped me a lot in my choice.
:cool: Feels good to finally have a decent grinder, can't wait to use it.
Have a good one guys,
I have had mine since 1993, it's the only grinder I have and have never replaced a thing on it. It not only grinds out about 50-60 knives each year, but gets used for every other material removal/shaping job I do. I have nothing but praise for it and expect to get another 13 years out of it.
same here....... been using one for's simple and works well..... just make sure the contact wheel is hanging off the side of the bench.... otherwise a chunk of steel may get caught between the bench and the wheel.... .... trust me ..

other than that.... i luv it...
mines got a 1hp baldor on it....
