New Busse Contest!


May 17, 1999
How about a new Busse Contest. Suggestions for it are as follows:

1. How many months or years does the average person have to wait to get the knife he ordered from Busse?

2. How many times does a person have to call Busse before they finally get a human and not an answering machine to answer the phone?

3. How many days before Busse returns your phone calls?

4. How many months before Busse updates their web page?

With all due respect, I hate to belly-ache so much, but a company that spends so much on self promotion should spend a little on improving customer service.
Remember that much of the promotion has been due to knife enthusiasts like ourselves wondering when we'll be able to get our hands on these things. Considering this is Busse's first attempt at a production knife, I think we should give them some slack.

I had mentioned something about the phone service, but having just now seen Spark's post below, that concern has been aleviated

[This message has been edited by jpbulli (edited 24 August 1999).]
Wow, you are sure full of sunshine and good cheer today.

Jerry has just made Dave Roberson the head of PR and is actively trying to improve his customer relations / service.

Here is his post from the Good, Bad and Ugly forum:
Good news!

Busse Combat is happy to announce that Dave Roberson has been named to the position of National Director of Sales and Marketing. Now the “toughest knives in the world” will no longer be the “toughest knives TO BUY in the world.” Any questions you may have about your order will be promptly taken care of by Mr. Roberson or someone from his team of customer service personnel. Dave brings several years of sales management experience with him as well as having served 20 years in law enforcement. Please understand that we are flooded with orders and are currently receiving hundreds of phone calls daily. Our response time goal is a return call within 24 hours. We are in the process of establishing e-mail service and should be up and running within the week. We will post our new e-mail address as soon as it becomes available. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Dave at (419) 923-6471.

Jerry Busse
Busse Combat Knife Co.

So, if you have a problem with your order, why don't you give Dave a call? See what happens. If that doesn't make you happy, forward your information to me, and I'll pass it on to Jerry himself next time I talk to him.

BTW, to date, I've only had 3 people contact me about problems with their orders, so if there are others of you out there who are unhappy, you need to make sure that someone knows theres a problem, because if you keep quiet about it, it's not going to be fixed.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
I ordered a Mean Street from Jerry a couple of years ago. As I recall, there was an eight month wait, and during that time, I moved to a different address. Of course, I forgot to tell Jerry. Since I had the same phone number, when he called and said that the knife would be ready in a week, I assumed he had my new address. Well, a week passes by, then almost two, and I'm panicking. I called Jerry(who answered the phone himself) and he told me that UPS had returned the knife to him just that afternoon. He then said he would drive the knife to my house himself!(I'm about a six hour drive from his part of Ohio)
I got the knife two days later, and I've had the knife on me since. I've never had any problems with the Busse Co. and I intend to do business again with them in the future.
P.S. That Mean Street is one tough knife! I accidentally threw it into a tile floor full force, and the knife stuck into the tile! I pulled it out and there was NO damage at all to the blade! I also accidentally left it out during a freezing snow storm, all night in under zero temps, and again, NO damage!! Freaks me out!!
I am rebuilding the web site in the background. As soon as it is ready we will go live with it. Agreed the old web site needs some work and Jerry understands that. That is why he chose WOW to make his new web site. Look for it in a few weeks.


Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

I feel an apology is in order from me to Busse Combat for me having posted this thread in the first place. I feel I over reacted and shouldn't have been so critical. Mr. Dave Roberson returned my calls today and I now realize Busse has taken measures to assure it's customer service will be more professional and responsive to the needs of it's customers. I am now sure they are doing all they can to fill the orders for all the knives that have been ordered from them, in a timely manner.
I just have to say that I am proud to be a member of a group of stand up individuals such as seen here and on numerous other threads in

"No Respect will get No Mercy"

Hansen - I can certainly understand your original post and where you were coming from. A lot of people have been frustrated with Busse's customer service.

I called this morning and left a message. Dave returned it this evening.

Spark mentioned in a post about a week ago or so that Busse gets 300 calls per day. If one of ten calls places an order, that means he is getting 30 orders a day. That is a lot of business!

Hopefully Dave will be a new turn for Busse Knives. It seems to me that Busse needs a staff of about three people or so just answering calls. I hope Dave will help but I don't think one person can handle so many calls.

Hansen, that was very big of you to apologize, and I'm glad to see that you did so.

Yet another example of the caliber of people that you members attract here, I continue to be suprised by the maturity and attitude of the members and makers who frequent this site. Thanks for making it work!


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here