new cold steel 2022 products

Something is wrong with that picture.....
10.5" blade, 15" exactly does that work?
It looks like rebranding some of their other products as "Cold Steel" as well as a significant switch to Chinese production. Far easier to slap a name on an existing product than to innovate. Does the world need another low quality hunters set or a Cold Steel 8cr stockman?
Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but from what I can see CS still hasn't released some of their 2021 products. Their larger fixed blades in 3V caught my eye, but on retailers' and CS's websites they are still showing as "coming soon" or something to that effect. They were certainly more exciting than the 2022 new products - even if they were still rehashes of previous designs.

I would understand if this is a matter of supply chain issues, or is it typical to wait until the following year for announced knives?
It looks like AliExpress finally made a collaboration with Gas Stations!

GSM (Gas Station Merchandise) has made a contract with AliExpress manufacturers in China, to deliver you some of their top quality designs and materials!

All joking aside... D2 steel is brittle on larger blades and China is known for large D2 supply, plus they no longer advertise it as "German D2" like they used to.

Pull through sharpeners are hideous.

Their new lock looks weird and similar to Shark Lock Demko made...

The design of their new folders just screams "Mall ninja!" and "CHEAAAP"...

To add the insult to the injury, the AUS10 is too high-end, so they made knives in 4116 too 😂
The only thing I remotely like the look if is the Leatherneck. Not enough to buy one, though.
I can get something better for just a few dollars more, but the rest of that garbage you can keep.

I know nothing about purchasing and flipping a multimillion dollar company, but if I were GSM and weren't in it for the quick sale and actually wanted to purchase Cold Steel because I "believed in the brand", I would have just used my machinations to crank out more product of known quality.

They already own the dies and the names and all that. Push out some classic designs or actually work to fill the demand of products promised thst either didn't quite take off or got too complicated/expensive for a small company like CS to bring to market. If they want to roll some of their cheap crap under the CS brand, why not. Hell, move away from all the goofy stuff like swords and melee weapons and whatnot that LT was all about (and the only CS products I tend to buy, because I like that sort of thing) However, it all seems a bit gutted.

Maybe they'll release another video of a talented young lady who can throw and cut like a champ yet emphasize her looks first over her skill. That may sway a few knuckle draggers to buy their C-list quality.:rolleyes:
What's an atlas lock? Also some of these new knife designs are really cheesy looking. The 3.5" drifter's handle looks a little bit like a demko design. The other drifter variants don't though
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The only thing I remotely like the look if is the Leatherneck. Not enough to buy one, though.
I can get something better for just a few dollars more, but the rest of that garbage you can keep.

I know nothing about purchasing and flipping a multimillion dollar company, but if I were GSM and weren't in it for the quick sale and actually wanted to purchase Cold Steel because I "believed in the brand", I would have just used my machinations to crank out more product of known quality.

They already own the dies and the names and all that. Push out some classic designs or actually work to fill the demand of products promised thst either didn't quite take off or got too complicated/expensive for a small company like CS to bring to market. If they want to roll some of their cheap crap under the CS brand, why not. Hell, move away from all the goofy stuff like swords and melee weapons and whatnot that LT was all about (and the only CS products I tend to buy, because I like that sort of thing) However, it all seems a bit gutted.

Maybe they'll release another video of a talented young lady who can throw and cut like a champ yet emphasize her looks first over her skill. That may sway a few knuckle draggers to buy their C-list quality.:rolleyes:
If they didn't do anything new, but simply ditched crappy securex sheaths and went for actual kydex or simply plastic that's not full of glass - I'd be pretty pumped.

They could simply upgrade sheath materials, work a little on pocket clips that are like hydraulic press, and it'd already be awesome.

If they went as far as swapping 4034 with AUS8 for folders and SK-5, 52100 or 5160 for large fixed blades like kukris - I'd be stoked. I'd definitely see them as a really serious player...

This way I see them as a joke... they got proven designs, materials, product lines, dies, grinders... everything - and they went to crapper just to cash in on brand name as fast as possible.
Said when they bought cold steel that it would be a year or two before things started going downhill. It starts now.

Only good thing looks like the ad10 lite... But it will probably be way too expensive for what you get.
They already own the dies and the names and all that. Push out some classic designs or actually work to fill the demand of products promised thst either didn't quite take off or got too complicated/expensive for a small company like CS to bring to market. If they want to roll some of their cheap crap under the CS brand, why not. Hell, move away from all the goofy stuff like swords and melee weapons and whatnot that LT was all about (and the only CS products I tend to buy, because I like that sort of thing) However, it all seems a bit gutted.
I agree, this would’ve been the way to go. I think that’s what happens when you have enough capital but not enough passion for your products. Regardless of one’s opinion of Lynn Thompson, you could still tell he went the whole nine yards for his knives. The man had capital and passion.

The Leatherneck had my interest too until I saw D2. That would’ve been kickass in 52100.
What's an atlas lock? Also some of these new knife designs are really cheesy looking. The 3.5" drifter's handle looks a little bit like a demko design. The other drifter variants don't though
Yup. If the price is right I think I'll snag the Drifter 3.5 out of curiosity about the lock, then probably file Cold Steel away with Schrade and Smith and Wesson mentally.