The only thing I remotely like the look if is the Leatherneck. Not enough to buy one, though.
I can get something better for just a few dollars more, but the rest of that garbage you can keep.
I know nothing about purchasing and flipping a multimillion dollar company, but if I were GSM and weren't in it for the quick sale and actually wanted to purchase Cold Steel because I "believed in the brand", I would have just used my machinations to crank out more product of known quality.
They already own the dies and the names and all that. Push out some classic designs or actually work to fill the demand of products promised thst either didn't quite take off or got too complicated/expensive for a small company like CS to bring to market. If they want to roll some of their cheap crap under the CS brand, why not. Hell, move away from all the goofy stuff like swords and melee weapons and whatnot that LT was all about (and the only CS products I tend to buy, because I like that sort of thing) However, it all seems a bit gutted.
Maybe they'll release another video of a talented young lady who can throw and cut like a champ yet emphasize her looks first over her skill. That may sway a few knuckle draggers to buy their C-list quality.