New Cold Steel Appreciation

Feb 10, 2010
Just snagged a new Cold Steel Lynn Thompson Kobun and i have to say i am impressed. This is my second GSM Cold Steel and i think this one is well done. The grinds look even and the blade is razor sharp. Don't know about the HT yet ... but i've heard CS runs their S35vn a little soft.

Anyway, the whole knife (and sheath) is so light and carry-able, with nice lines.

Sorry, i'm unable to post a picture.
GSM said they would be continuing with the same suppliers in Taiwan.
I've not been impressed with their new designs. Offering Upgraded versions of the designs from the LT regime is a reasonable alternative.
Love my RS and Laredo in 3v think they are as good as prior versions in fit and finish.
I guess I should go see what all the hubbub is about with GSN CS
A lot of people played the roll of Chicken Little when GSM bought CS. They acted like the sky was falling and QC was going to go to crap.

I have bought as many CS knives since the buy-out as I did before and they are indistinguishable in fit and finish.

Good solid knives, and they go on sale for very reasonable prices pretty frequently.
I concur with the previous poster's analysis of GSM. I've noticed no denigration in quality whatsoever. Plus, I've purchased Cold Steel from a number of different vendors. GSM also owns SOG now; and it seems, to have made overt attempts, to improve the division's line-up (i.e., SEAL XR folder, and Kiku XR).