New Cold Steel folder grinds?!

Dec 2, 2010
I know we've discussed this a little bit but can someone from Cold Steel update us on the new grinds on the folders from Cold Steel? I know I've seen the American Lawman and the Recon 1 with new grinds. No more ugly 'blank spot' and they now have an actual functional sharpening choil. I know this is something we have all been asking for over the years so nice work Cold Steel but can you tell us what models where changed? It seems some models only have it with particular G10 colors. Any info would be appreciated. Heres a few pics of new saber grinds I've seen.

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From what i can tell only Lawman & Recon 1 were changed. I personally got the new FDE Lawman and can confirm it's now flatgrind, which is very nice. They also got the nice sharpening choil without leaving 1/4" of ugly unsharpened area. Be careful when buying older models like the black Recon 1 or Lawman though, some seller will still send you the old hollow ground stock. If you are looking for the new grind, i recommend buying the FDE version for either model because it's the only new variation for 2017 so you are most likely gonna get the new grind.
BTW i don't think CS mod has any clue to this change, if he/she is the same person managing their instagram. I asked them on IG and the mod told me "it's still hollow grind", which is not true. As you can see from the picture and multiple youtube videos, there's nothing hollow about it.
I sincerely hope that they start doing it for all other models.
agree it would be nice to hear cold steels rep chime in with correct info for those who want one version over the other.