New custom set finished

Dec 11, 2001
Now this set tryed my patience and Jeffs I`m sure...he`s been patiently waiting for this.
If it wasn`t hard enough to forge these shapes, it was hard to get the right finish, then when I was forming the sheath, I missed a spot with my coating which prevents rust, and sure enough when I pulled them out of the sheath the big one had minor discoloring, which needed to be refinished. It was a tough set to finish for me but they look great now.


Happy day!! They look GREAT. Too bad I have to wait till next fall for hunting season, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun with them in the meantime. Thanks Ron, it has been great working with you.

I will take and post more pics when they come in.


01 Tool stool
Black micarta slabs
Ron's double twist damascus bolsters

The large blade design came to me in a vivid dream several years ago in which I was skinning a large bull elk. I've been wanting to turn that dream into reality ever since.

-- Dizos
Ron's work is definitely among the best! Who's idea for the double sheath - pretty clever! That's how I got started with custom knives. I had an idea stuck in my mind for years; finally got around to putting it on paper & found a knifemaker to turn it into a reality! Now it's become a never ending saga & the ideas don't quit! Ron is working on another for me soon as well as one of his "Survivor Series" knives. Sounds like you have been bitten by the custom 'bug'! Good luck to you!