New EDC Help

Jul 31, 2005
Ok so I really want a "Great" EDC. Say under $500.

Large Sebenza? Nice but the regular is rather plain.
Combat Elite RRF? Heard some great things about this knife.
Strider SMK or SNF? Is the SMF to big for EDC?
Larger Combat Elite knife?

I want a good all around knife for daily cutting chores. I'll usually also have a fixed blade on me so it does not need to be a mini sword, just a good all around knife.

Frame lock would be nice
S30V or equal
Tip up carry a must
3.5 or higher blade length (the rrf is a little shorter but is close)

Thanks guys for your help.
What you need my friend is a Spyderco Manix:) It's a lock back, but one heck of a workhorse!
How about a Buck 110 from Buck's custom shop?

Nice elk antler scales (or wood, or sambar stag, or asian waterbuffalo), nickle silver or brass bolsters, BG-42 blade-steel, classy leather sheath.

Made in the USA and all for less than $150.00

Here's a link to another thread with some cool pictures:

And this one:

And another one with a pic of the Cabela's Alaskan Guide 110:

Good luck,
With that price range, check out knives from:

Kirby Lambert
JW Smith
Mike Obenauf
Greg Lightfoot
Rick Hinderer

All great makers who have awesome knvies available for the $500 price range (some significantly below) I've had knives from all those listed and can highly recomend them. Some favorites include Hinderer and DDR for really solid, tank like frame locks. Kirby Lambert and JW Smith for awesomely finsihed liner locks that have that extra level of attention to detail that let you really know you have something special.

Other then those, the RRF does look good, but hey, with $500 you can do better. The Sebenza is always a solid choice though. It's one of the few production knives that interest me at all these days, and it does so simply because of the amazing consist quality they are able to put out. Killer pivot design and I like the basic no-nonsense style of the plains. Of course, with $500 you could also get a classic wood inlay or something to add a little more class to the package.
For $500, I say save some money get a Manix, it a super tough knife. Hey if you want to spend that much I say Buy 2, keep one on you and another in the car.