New Equipment Status?

Oct 2, 2000
Hi Kevin,
I'd like to know how things are going with the server problem. Is new equipment being purchased? How are things progressing? I can't speak for anyone but myself,,but I still regularly get the "to busy" message.

We're trying to scrape together enough cash to do it. I'll keep you guys posted.
If auction items would be accepted to generate a few extra dollars I'm sure a number of folks would participate. Just somethin to consider.:)
What do we need to do to get a new server? I am starting to get the *Server too busy* notice up to five times a visit, and it doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is anymore. Not all the time, but often enough that it is really irritating. The forum is also getting really slow again. Maybe time for another purging?
I'll post more on it when I have a few. Really busy right now.
Arrrgh!!! Couldn't get on the forums about 6 times today because the server was too busy and even when I did I got that stupid notice another 1/2 dozen times.
I say ya disable the search until the server is up and running with new equipment. I have had allot of trouble getting pages to load also.
In my opinion that is a great idea. The search function seems to really bog down the server. I like it, but can certainly live without for the time being.
Hey there,

I may be able to shed a bit more light on this for you all, until something can be done about it. Basically, the reason why the site is getting slow, is simply due to the number of visitors that are on the site at one time, and how many simultaneous mySQL database connections can be maintained on one server, with high loads.

Translated into English: there are simply too many people on the forums at times, and the one server just can't keep up. It has nothing to do with the search feature of the forums. It's just simply too overloaded with visitors.

The simple answer is that yes another server is needed to aleviate these loads. The problem will be coming up with the money to buy/build one, and the time to deploy it. I actually do this sort of work for a living, and have had a look at the loads on the server at various times of the day, and then reporting my thoughts to Spark. It's simply a matter of a very busy server being overwhelmed.

It bascially comes down to simple time and money. We're all pretty busy people, and Spark is also trying to run a business as well. I've offered my services to him in regards to building him another server, but he has a few venues to consider before making his choices as well. When it comes to servers for applications like this, you need to make smart, informed decisions, or it could end up costing you more in the end.

Just be patient guys, I can personally assure you that he's most assuredly working on the solution for this.

I also wanted to express my thanks to him, and the the other founding members, for making such a great resource available. It would be quite the hole to fill if it were gone.
Actually _ender, you are wrong about it being because there are too many people using the forum. I have been able to get on with no trouble when there are 250-260 users. I have gotten the "Server too Busy" notice when there are as few as 150 users.

The reason that the search function was shut off for basic members for a while was that it was really bogging down the server. That is also the reason that avatars have been shut off.
I would beg to differ with you Keith.

Don't forget, those 'users online' status are taking into account users in the last 15 minutes of actual login on the forums. Not how many are currently on the server, and requesting mySQL database connections.

This is strictly a database connectivity issue, and I would suggest you do some reading on how a mySQL server works, along with its concurrent connection limitation. Remember, the 'search' feature connects to what?....that's right, the mySQL database. That's where all the little text and photos you upload to this site go.

So, if you have an overloaded database server, you have a slow board, plain and simple.

edited to add: in case you're wondering, the reason why I know the 'currently active users' status is only for the last 15 minutes, is because I've used vbulletin on a number of sites, and have talked to the developers regarding it.
Regardless, we need a server with more horsepower, and probably a cluster of them.

_ender - I will be contacting you shortly with more information regarding transitions and other issues we've already discussed. For the rest of you, hang tight... things will get better.
I hope we are able to get some great new equipment. To have things we used to have seems like its too good to be true. Avatars, search feature, pictures that are displayed via Blade Forums Hosting and no Server too busy problems would be outstanding to have back:)
_ender, obviously you know a lot more about what is going on here than I do so I will just say that whatever the problems are, it will be great to get them fixed.
I totally agree with you Keith, it will be nice to have things running a bit better, but I know it takes money, and time to really iron things out. After doing this sort of thing for a number of years, I've learned that once a site gets popular, and has a lot of user interaction, like this one obviously does, it starts to get very taxing on hardware.

As that old saying goes... ' All good things come to those who wait '.

I'm sure Spark really appreciates everyone's help and understanding in regards to the situation. It's never easy trying to run a business, and support a very successful site. I'm just glad I don't have to answer his e-mail!! :D
The server was impossible to reach last night and today it seems like the forum is a whole lot faster; what happened?
I have seen these problems come and go for the past couple of months--sometimes the forums seem to run at high speed, other times you either can't get on or you get the "Server too busy" indication. I think if a major change was made, Spark would make an announcement.

Until then, it's the luck of the draw I think.