New "family" pics!

It says my files are too large. I tried again. How much smaller can I make them? They are only 3 inches across. :grumpy:
When you resize, try selecting pixels instead of inches as your units, and set your width to 640. Usually works for me.
Ashes said:
It says my files are too large. I tried again. How much smaller can I make them? They are only 3 inches across. :grumpy:
Also check the dpi or Dots Per Inch, if it's out of a digicam or a scanner you're probably at 300 dpi or higher. You want 72 dpi for use on the web and a size of less than 800 X 600. Larger than that will have some people scrolling to see your pics, a minor PIA.
i use a photo hosting site... some guys have emailed their pics to a buddy to resize and post too.. :)
There are two kinds of size for a picture -- the size of the pic and the size of the file. I suspect it's the file that's oversize -- adjust compression so it comes out less than 50k. Anything more is a waste when it's displayed on a monitor -- it'll look just as good and save bandwidth and storage.

By the way, "dots per inch" is an instruction for the printer; it has no effect unless you print the picture.
Ashes, I still have that picture of your "Family". Do you want me to post it? ;) :)