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New Ganga Ram

Oct 13, 1999
Yesterday I picked up my new Ganga Ram at the post office. Took it home and inspected it. I really liked the unique karda and chakma. Bura did an excellent job on them. I took it on a walk to the nearby woods for a little field testing. While fighting off hordes of ticks I chopped on a few trees. The Ganga took care of the branches with ease and the belly produced deep cuts in its targets, especially the greener ones, even though the Ganga was a tad dull. The edge held up well against chopping and twisting techniques without damage.

This khuk seems a bit more stubborn to sharpen than my other two. I plan to get a fine diamond steel and a leather strop, so its only a matter of time before I find out what my new khuk can really do.

Jim, right now my old WWII is still my favorite-sentimental reasons. But once I touch up the Ganga's edge and get in some more chopping experience with it, it'll start growing on me. One thing I like about the Ganga is that its a manageable package (i.e. I can carry it on me and wield it while still being impressed by its size and build).

Bob I recommend a DMT red and green Diafold, gives you a fine and extra fine diamond hone.
For a more aggressive hone I recommend the blue, actually a blue and red Diafold would be the best unit if you never see the need
for a major reprofile.
A black and blue and red and green will give you the full range of cutting action that DMT
All of the diamond hones are very aggresive when brand new.
It takes a little while to break them in, letting the diamonds do the work, without any or much added pressure.
The black or extra coarse diamond hone is great for taking out large dings or even large chips very quickly.
But then you need the other diamond hones in decreaseing grit to remove the scratches left by the more aggressive hones if you want quickness.

The double DMT Diafolds don't cost that much more than a single one so they're a lot more cost effiecient.
I love my 3 which covers the full range.

And they're easy to clean up. I just wipe mine on a folded paper towel to remove the cuttings.

I love all of my GRS models!!!!


Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 04-11-2001).]
Big Bob, I've been asking this question of
GRS and AK owners, so here goes... If you have both could you please compare and contrast these two choppers. Also, if you could provide an example of what you mean in
the statement "One thing I like about the Ganga is that its a manageable package".
Yvsa, thanks for the suggestion. I'm glad that there are people like you here who know all about the different sharpeners.

Billpaxton, I don't own an AK, so I can't personally compare the two models. From what I've read on the forums, the GRS has more "belly" to it, allowing for deeper cuts in wood. Because of this the GRS is considered a better felling khuk than the AK. However, forumites have noted that the GRS has more of a tendency to get stuck in wood than the AK. I believe it was Will Kwan who said that he considers the AK a more versatile khuk.

As for my statement about my GRS being a manageable package, I meant that I am able to carry it on my belt without it tiring me out, even though it weighs close to 3lbs. But I'm young and have developed HIKV for large, meaty blades, so YMMV.


The GRS is better as a felling khukuri as it will penetrate as deep as an AK of the same weight. For felling a lighter GRS will often perform better than the AK. The broader blade of the GRS results in a more gradual increase in thickness from the edge. Also there is no reinforced spine so blade does not thicken from the edge as quickly. On the down side the GRS does not have as much lateral strength and can sometimes get stuck. Getting stuck happens when working with soft or rotten wood. On hardwoods a GRS will perform better, in terms of chopping, than a similar size AK. I have not been very successful using the GRS as a splitter. It often will penetrate deeply and get stuck but will not split. The AK will readily wedge similar wood apart.

The AK is a better all round khukuri and is much more capable at splitting. The GRS is better at chopping, especially with hardwoods.

Uncle Bill and fellow Forumites, what is
the thickness of the spines on the BGRS and
the GRS please?

[This message has been edited by billpaxton (edited 04-13-2001).]
That's the kind, Bob. I've seen Yvsa at work with his. He's quite an artist with the edge.

I've got the red/green and the blue/black. I use them quite a lot around the house. In the field I use the diamond hone on my Leatherman or a little cylindrical ez-lap that fits inside its brass handle. The ez-lap can be used for knapping rocks too, if you're into that.
I ordered one of the double diafolds a few days ago, the fine-coarse one. It should pretty much suit my needs for now since I have a crock stick sharpener for final honing.
