New H.I Fan

Mar 18, 2003
Finally decided to purchase a HI 18" AK to add to my Khukuri collection. Being a long time Khukuri fan I own Cold steel's, Bushmaster, and 5 other assorted makers.

Well after hour & half of chopping down various youg oak, black oak, and other various trees 5 to 10 inches in diameter.
The AK showed 0 dulling or edge wear of any kind, really a top notch knife puts the others i own to shame.

Not to mention the wonderful customer service and response time.
Welcome to the Cantina, Darkforster!

You will find, like many here, that one HI Kukri is not enough (sort of like that potato chip commercial :D )

The Sher 18" AK was my first one. I'm now up to 10. ;)
Welcome to the Cantina, Darkforster. The name came the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie. The folks on the forum seem to be at least as odd as the aliens in that movie.

On the other hand I have this image in my mind of an English Gentleman's club - veddy veddy british, and all the great white sharks standing around politely wearing dinner jackets and bow ties tied by hand, standing around conversing over ( 2/1 ratio of gin to vermouth ) Martinis. Don't be fooled. Put up a PGA ( Pala's Give Away ) or an UBDOTD ( Uncle Bill's deal of the day ) and it's instant feeding frenzy time.

Anyway, welcome and don't lose any body parts by trying to grab a deal til you get used to the voracity of the frenzies.;)
This forum is one of the few reasons to tolerate a computer. Good people, good advice. Listen to your Uncle Bill. Personally, I don't feel that the other companies mentioned manufacture khukuris. I think after you use the H.I. product a while, you'll see the same thing. The "virus" is catching. I have never been disappointed buying a khukuri from Uncle Bill.
Darkforster, if the AK makes you feel as you say about your other khuks, you have come to the right place. I don't know of any on this forum that only have one khuk. If you like the one you have the HIKV surely will get you. Just a matter of time before you get another one.

I hope you enjoy this forum though. There are a great bunch of good guys here that will help you with good advice and information on how too's. It is amazing how much information you can find here without going to the FAQ's. And that place is like the world book of Khuks. Take off your shoes, lean back and enjoy the ride. :) :D
One other aspect, and the most important aspect for me,is the continuing and tested integrity of Bill Martino. I'm older than my years (and I have plenty of years!) and I can honestly say I have never dealt with/encountered a person of greater honor and sense of what is appropriate behavior in a world gone mad (usually) than Bill.

Additionally, there are a few slightly curious (such a wide-ranging term!) personalities who will continually delight or perhaps confuse you.

And then, there are those who do that which they think they should not have done, and have the integrity to come back to an internet forum and say, "I was wrong." Takes class.

Enjoy the ride.
It's amazing what these things will do. I sliced clean through a dandelion after chopping up some downed maple limbs. Who says magic blades only exsist in fairy tales?;) Just out of curiosity, which kami made your AK?

Just out of curiosity, which kami made your AK?

Markings on Ricasso are K.S. with a trident below. If that helps. :)
Originally posted by Skeletor
I have three and I don't have a job.

That would make a great commercial! :D

Although, in the current screwy economy, it's probably more applicable to cars....."Got three brand new trucks, 0 down and 0% interest, but no job!" :(
Originally posted by Darkforster
Just out of curiosity, which kami made your AK?

Markings on Ricasso are K.S. with a trident below. If that helps. :)

I think that's Shanker. I have an 18" AK by Shanker. I'd say it's my favorite, but it's just too hard to choose. I like them all.
Heehe. I can top that: I have four and I don't have a job! Soon to be five!

Darkforester, welcome. The 18 AK i have is the main worker of my bunch. Simply love it, tried to abuse it but it stilll stands up the the tasks. Blued it for rust prevention.



Close up of gold gilding on Sword of Shiva.
