new here, thought id say hi

Dec 4, 2004
Hi, my name is Kirk. Im new around here and though id sign up and say hi to everyone.. so, hi! I have quite a few knives, mostly ancient buck knives passed down by my Dad, all of which i do not use. I have 2 Gerbers, the AR 3.25 and the Gator.... both i use daily. Im looking into purchasing a new knife but i dont know what to go with.. I want it to be able to take a huge beating and be basically indestructable. I have looked at the Emerson Gerber Alliance, and i like it very much, but im afraid that law doesnt permit me to carry it because its a full auto. Do you guys have any ideas on good tactical knives?

First off, Welcome to the Forums! Second, you might need to narrow your search parameters a bit. What type of knife are you looking for? what are you going to be using it for? How do you plan to carry it? How big or how small? Fixed blade or folder? How much do you plan to spend?What are the legal considerations of your locality? Lots of d@mn questions, huh? I think most of us are still looking for "the perfect knife". It seems to be a lifelong quest, but if you will narrow the playing field a little, I think you will be surprised at how many good people here will recommend something, again, welcome and good luck! Marty. :cool:
Give us a list of knives you are interested in and I'm sure we will all have a lot to say.
Welcome, please answer Marty's questions and we'll help you out.

Oh, what kinds of things (handle, blade style, ect.) do you like in the knives you already own?
Welcome and enjoy the ride this is a hell of a place with a great bunch of people. :cool:

Sit back, read, learn, & impart some of your own wisdom. :)
ok here it goes...

What type of knife are you looking for? looking one for daily use, everyday carry type

what are you going to be using it for?
work, play, defense, you name it

How do you plan to carry it? definitely pocketable, maybe small sheath

How big or how small? 3.25 blade or smaller

Fixed blade or folder? folder

How much do you plan to spend? under 200

What are the legal considerations of your locality? i live in ohio, so i think only thing we cant carry is full auto or gravity knives (butterfly)

Lots of d@mn questions, huh? nah its cool

i have an 8 year background in Kenpo Karate, looking for something "elite" looking if you can understand... karate brought me to Emerson knives, and i was looking at the cqc witht the wave feature... what do you think about that? really like the flat black look, and the bezel-type blade.... im sorry im new to these knife terms..... recommend something even if it doesnt fit all these guidelines, id love to look around
Sounds like a Spyderco Delica might serve your purposes.
Welcome to the forums. :)

There are a whole truckload of knives that could fit your requirements. Personal choice is going to play a big part here.

A good plan is to go to one of the many online sellers and have a look at what's available. One good place to start is:

Have a look through the Spyderco, Kershaw and Benchmade sections to start with.

If you have a little more to spend, like say up to $400 or threabouts you might want to have a look at a Sebenza from Chris Reeve or if you want seriously tough and looks good too try a Strider SnG or any other Strider.

Enjoy, and welcome.
Your requirements are general, and there are a million knives to choose from.

For around 50 bucks a spyderco delica, calypso Jr, or native would be nice choices to start.
The native has a significant handle.
From 50-200 there are many many benchmades, spydies etc...

Stick with Spyderco (hole based one hand opening), Benchmade (thumbstud opening), and/or Kershaw (stud and some assisted legal openings).

The best advice is to find a knife store that carries these, try them in your hand and decide what features you like and how they fit your hand, and how easy they are to open.

A good stainless steel would suit, VG10, S30V, 154CM, ATS34 are at the top of the list IMHO.

Handle material choices are: FRN (zytel from Spyderco), Stainless steel, aluminum, titanuim ($$), G10. (wood, bone etc. are good but not as tough).

Again, see if you can try these out and see what feels right in your hands.

Keep asking questions here!!!

Maybe someone in ohio can recommend a good knife store?
places around here are pretty scarce. other than the meijer and wlaamarts everyone has, we have a Gander Mountain where i got my gerber.... may go shopping tomorrow and look around
Toldja, lots of good recommendations from lots of good folks! You might want to plan a " knife huntin' weekend ". Do some research on knife dealers in larger cities around your area, take a trip, handle some knives, have some FUN! Like I said before, it's a neverending quest for the perfect knife. Most of us suffer the same fate. This will end up being an expensive, time consuming,thought provoking, but fun endeavor. Best of luck,and keep us posted on your search and results! Marty :cool:
Sound to me as if you have to spend a few hours on, and if you don't find anything that you like there, you could go shopping on,,, just to name a few.

With $200, you have pretty much free reign (excluding customs, Chris Reeve, Strider, and a couple of others). The sub 3.25 in requirement narrows the search a lot more. Personally, I am partial to Spyderco knifes, in particular to the Lil' Temperance, which is as tank like as knifes come, but it is not as sofisticated looking as for example a Lone Wolf Tigh Tac folder with Ti handle, and liner or a Buck TNT (which both are a bit too long, strictly speaking).

My advice: Play child in a toy store :).

Good luck!
well guys, i went shopping today, and i bought a Kershaw... The ken onion with the black blade.... the people at Gander Mountain were more than helpful, let me play with all the knives and came to find out that 3 of the employees had the Ken Onion Kershaws... I was very impressed with the knife... feels very durable... i got it for 69.99 plus tax... Only downside to this knife is that it has a 440a stainless blade, but i dont abuse my knives everyday, i carry it for basic utility, and for defense... here are some pics of my 3 knives i have...



what do you guys think?

p.s. can i unscrew the thumbstud on the knife and put it on the other side? (im left handed) it is screwed in by a phillips screw on the opposite side...
They look like a good start to your collection. Kershaw certainly make some nice knives, I have a Rainbow Chive and it probably won't be my last Kershaw.

You may want to start looking around for left hand specific, or at least ambidextrous, knives for your next purchase. (Oh yes, there will be many more purchases, trust me ...).

I'm also a lefty so I know the problems. Many Spydercos are left friendly and the Benchmade Griptillian with the Axis lock is ambi, just two examples.

I also have a left hand version of a small Sebenza which is great. Left friendly versions are out there, just keep looking.