New khuks arrived!!!

Feb 1, 2000
:D Wow the zebra handled WWII and SN1 from Lt. Dan arrived today. I love it when I get home and find a big box waiting on the front step for me! These knives are gorgeous! Now I'm torn between using 'em or just looking at 'em!:D

Thanks Dan!

Guy Thomas
Cool!! I also love that feeling when I find a package at the door! It's to bad this forum is kind of dieing off, This is my first post in a while here, there's just no action here!:( The "other" forum is much more exciting!!;)
Can you post some pixs of your new Khuks or tell me where I can find some?

Heber Ellsworth
Hello everybody. Yeah, things are a little slow at the moment; just got back from some vacation myself. But y'know, there are other forums that are even slower. I used to hang out on the Euro knife forum some, hoping to learn more about the puukko. It may be hard to believe, but this forum is often brisk in comparison.

There are some terriffic folks around here, some that I've had the good pleasure to get to know, and I think they'll be back. There new posters that drop by occcasionally, and I hope they'll get into the swim and not be discouraged by a lack of high volume. I suppose everybody has notions of what they'd like a forum to be. Every now and then I get fired up and my keyboard runneth over, but time has shown me that I'm a varmint guy first, and knife guy second. But I still make it back here, yet a little less frequently. And yes, a khukuri always goes with me to seek the red mist.

I think Craig's presence is the pivotal element here; hint, hint. But one man does not a forum make, and life, no matter how fast or slow, goes on. So I look forward to the return of those with a history, and getting to meet and know everybody else.

Glad to serve,

Yes, Dan is right. We all share the responsibility of keeping the forum lively, with interesting thoughts and information to share. And pictures!

Rest assured I will take some pictures of the new arrivals and post them soon. The zebra pattern is striking over portions
of the handle but the whole handle has subtle coloration also.

Picture posting really does help keep things going! I need to learn to post pictures!!
Guy and Chris, you guys are right on target with the pic posting idea. I've been lazy to shy away from learning how to do this, but it would add so much to everything here. I doubt that a digital camera is in the works very soon, but there is a scanner right here by the computer that could be a starting point. I hang out on a shooting board where guys regularly post sequential pics of terminal ballistic stunts (there may be some that don't wanna know about prairie dogs doing 'copters, and other vanishing varmints). That's more than a little out of my league on an entry level, but somewhere there are old posts about how to do pics. One thing that's standing in my way is getting the right online company to host the pics, as my 'net provider blocks some of them.

Do I sense an upcoming tutorial for computer dummies (like myself) in the works by another forumite who can simplify pic posting enough that even IIII can get the job done? Awww, c'mon it for the forum!

Dan (who knows not for what he's really asking)
I think I'll get one of my computer nerd friends to show me how to use a digital camera!;) It would be fun!
Once you have a picture hosted, (I use photopoint, but there are still some free hosting sites out there) getting them in a post is easy. I have to enlist the aid of my personal computer tech (my lovely wife!) for aid in getting them from the camera to the computer and resized!:D

Another idea for photo hosting is to buy a Gold membership here on Bladeforums and then you can attach pictures just like in email, if I understand correctly, in your post (I may be wrong on that) or I do believe with that membership you can host pictures here as well.

Guy Thomas