New knives introduced at the Shot Show

Apr 4, 2000
I was there. I will be posting a few MT pictures on Monday.

As for new and exciting stuff there were a few things that caught my eye. I didn't stop by all the knife booths only because I don't carry every brand, but here are a few highlights.

Kershaw has a few new Onions on the way. They have a Chive and a Scalion or something like that. They are small versions of the assisted opening knifes. The smaller of the two has SS handles and the little bit larger version has G-10 handles. They are also coming out with a new fixed blade Onion.

Leatherman has come out with a new line of smaller multi tools. I like the looks of them but am still up in the air about the colors. I think that the ladies will like them more than the fellas but maybe that is what they were hoping for. They have also updated their Mega Tool to a more rounded edge design and made it easier to close the accessories, much nicer.

Karl has pretty much covered Microtech so I won't go into detail unless someone wants me to.

Chris Reeve is coming out with a new small folder that will be very well recieved.

MOD's small CQD will be a big hit and available in about 3 weeks. they have also come out with a new large fixed blade that I think everone will like. It has two long curved hooks on the handle for grabing your opponent under the armpit to get him to submit. Ouchy mama.

William Henry in developing a new larger knife that has a lock that is simillar to the axis only different. It is hard to explain you will just have to see it when it comes out.

Ti-Knives has a new D/A coming out that is very nice. He also has a new pattern on his smaller version knife which is cool.

UZI guns is coming out with a line of knives. Folders and a few fixed blades.

Spyderco has a lot of new stuff coming out. almost too much to mention and I really don't remember anything real specific.

CRKT has the knives coming out that we all know about already. Nothing to major from them.

That is about it.



Quality over Quantity
Phone(616) 456-6569
Thanks for the info, and it will be nice to see the pictures that you post.

[This message has been edited by Keith Montgomery (edited 01-14-2001).]
What about Darrel's new Mad Max? Did you see it?

Peter Atwood
I did more than see the Mad Max, I have one. This is one big knife, very smooth and sharp. If you are a "big" knife lover this is the knife for you. (it is For Sale if anyone is interested)

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by 2thehilt:

Karl has pretty much covered Microtech so I won't go into detail unless someone wants me to.



By all means please do.

Dennis Bible

I want to talk to MT one more time before I go into detail. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag before they want it to be let out. So please give me one more day before I post any info and pictures.

Where can I see a pic of the Ralph Mad Max?
I keep reading about it but I can't find any info on it at all...
Is it a folder or fixed? What blade steel? How long is blade/handle?

ooops asked for a pic of the MOD fixed blade before I looked around.

[This message has been edited by brad1407 (edited 01-16-2001).]