New Livesay Woo impressions (w/ pics)


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2003
Hi all,

As promised here are my first impressions of my new Woo along with some pictures.

This is a neat knife. It's very slim, very compact, but handles very well. The blade is well designed as is the handle. Very comfortable to handle and wear.

The sheath is what makes this thing a real winner. It's far nicer than any CRKT sheath. Holds the knive securely, yet offers a smooth fast draw.

This thing is so slim, that the girth hitch in the para cord is actually fatter than the knife or sheath!

Lots of people call Newt's knives rough. I guess I can see why. My BM has an overall better final fit and finish, but Newt's knife is oviously very high quality, it's just not "as finished". Look at the pictures and decide for yourself.

As delivered it was pretty sharp, but needed a little cleanup. After about 20 minutes on the Sharpmaker with the fine stone, it was shaving.

Let me know if you have any questions.




I did order direct. I called and spoke with Newt himself. Very nice guy, BTW.

I waited less than a week. He sent it out USPS Priority Mail, signature required.
Chief- How did you take those pics? They are some of the best I've seen.
great looking knife at an unreal pricepoint!! newt has some great ideas as well. however, i am not a fan of chisel ground knives where the flat is on the wrong side for right handed folks. i think most people when using a knife as a tool cut away from their bodies. as such, you would want the flat side parallel to the ground imho. i don't know if he makes some with the flat on the other side, but if so, he has a REAL winner!!
Newt does have a double grind Woo that is also thicker. The Little Pecker is the same size as the Woo but with a double grind blade with a more coventional shape. Two of my Woos are double ground.
These are great little knives for the money. I bought one several years ago when they first came out. I think they were only $25.00. I had Newt do a cord wrap on it. From the looks of those nice pictures he has become quite proficient at it. What is funny the knife he wrapped for me did not have a finished edge on it:eek: When I called him and told him, he sent me out another one at no charge:D Now that is customer service. I gave to my son-in-law and he still uses too this day. I took mine to have an edge put on it. This old guy who has a grinding wheel mounted on his rv bumper did the work. Before I could stop him he flipped the blade over and made into a double ground edge instead of flat ground:rolleyes: But I can tell you one thing that sucker was sharp. He must put an edge on thousands of knives at his old age. Hey it was only $3.00 but man it was so funny. I still carry this knife mounted on my visor of my company work truck. It's stories that like these that make an inexpensive knife a treasure of a lifetime. Congrats on your new knife;)
Thanks to all for the kind words on the WOO knife. It is one of my biggest and best seller to date. I came up with the idea from talking to a guy in North Carolina once. The very first WOO was a mis-ground Little Pecker neck knife. By the way the name Little Pecker is not being used any more on my knife. I have been asked to stop using it, but another knife company. I said OK, and have a contest on the Livesay forum to rename it.

Back to the WOO. I am truly amazed at this knife, and how many different an varied people from different walks of life like this knife. At present my production sucks something terrible, and all of the standard WOO knives are gone. I only have about two dozen Soldier of Fortune 20th Anniversary WOO let and have been filling Cord Wrapped order at $27.00 for them.

As a side note I saw some of my old WOO, LP, and some nice customs in a Pawn Shop recently. I had forgotten that the man bought a lot of my knives at one time to become a dealer. I asked why he wasn't pushing them and he said that they were retirement items. He will sell them if you ask for a knife but he doesn't push them at all. All are real early hand cut versions of the WOO and LP. Phone number if anyone wants is 479-524-8717 and I would guess ask for Curt. If I had the money I would buy them all. Some of the customs are knives from my shop during the time I worked in the Morseth Knife Company in Springdale, Arkansas for Bob Dozier.

Again thanks for the kind words.