(new member) HELLO EVERYBODY!!!

Mar 12, 2002
This is a great site. I know I`ll learn much from you all. By the way, this forum has exactly the same format as the unofficial BMW site; I guess bladeforums.com bought the software from the same guys :) .
I am a recent knife collector (it feel very weird to call myself a collector) and to whoever is interested to understand where an edge-obsession-trauma comes from, here goes my story:
When I was about 15 (now I`m 41), I saw a kinfe with the most beautiful edge I`d ever seen. It wasn`t a "pretty" kinfe but a grotesque Rambo-like one, and the cost was beyond what I thought a nice knife should go for.
I couldn`t stop thinking (dreaming) about it, so in order to stop this nonsense obsession, I bought it.
About 2 years after that, a friend got very sick (big C), and I made the promise to the heavens that if he got well I would give my most beloved material posession away. He got well (he`s still alive); I gave my beloved knife away.
Now, more than 20 years latter (and probably because Heaven feels I have served my time), the recurrence of that image has puped-up again, and with the illussion of now being able to find just about anything on the Net, I started surfing the cyberspace looking for it.
It has been discontinued, but on the way I found other beautiful knives and have already bought 15 of them; I guess I can now call myself a collector?
The name of the dammneed thing that caused all this problem?

Good luck finding one of those, they are still around for sale occasionaly. And welcome to the forums.
Welcome aboard!! NOTE OF CAUTION,, Buck Knives have a tendency to become addictive!! Best of luck in your searches!!
Mike B
BCC #572
Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing your story! The Buckmaster was discontinued in 1997. Your best bet for finding one would be to search one of the online auction sites, such as Ebay. They come up for sale there often.
I am sorry to hear that you have become aflicted with the collecting "bug"! I have heard of many cures, but none of them seem to work. :)
Take care,