New PS2

Aug 4, 2004
Anyone see one of the new PS2's yet? My friend brought his over, the thing is tiny. No HDD support, I'm sure square/enix will be pissed about that, but none the less it's extremely nice. It's kinda like 1995 all over again, with the flip up cover instead of the motorized tray.
tyeh suohdl mkea da knei lkei teh cra. Yuo kown, teh on wehre yuo jtsu phsu it in teh stol. Taht wludo be colo, btu I'm mero itno xxob.
underaged! said:
tyeh suohdl mkea da knei lkei teh cra. Yuo kown, teh on wehre yuo jtsu phsu it in teh stol. Taht wludo be colo, btu I'm mero itno xxob.

They should make the ____ like the ____. You know, the one where you just push it in the slot. That would be cool, but I'm more into xbox.

Being dyslexic helps when decifering things like that... first time I think its every come in handy! :D