New Rat w/ Tail!

Oct 31, 2003
Here is my new HRLM w/ lanyard. I am very impressed w/ the overall feel and design of this new HR. I can't wait to abuse it a bit. Hopefully tomorrow! ;) My wife thinks it is a tad big for her as an edc but isn't SR comming out w/ a smaller blade than this down the road?


Thanks again Swamp Rat staff!
Yeah, the Rat Hunter LM will a 3 3/16" blade, and the Baby Coot LM will be a 3 5/8" blade.

Me, I'm holding out now for something BIG. I have an M6 and an HRLM, so I need something to handle the larger trees. :D
Great pic, thanks for posting it.

And yes, you are correct, a smaller Rat is in the works, but it probably won't be next ;)

I'll let the little lady know! She'll be happy with that.

A big, bad chopper would be sweet indeed. Especially with these new handles. IMHO.

Oh, and just for feedback, my HRLM arrived shaving sharp. :)
i actually can't wait for the Rat Hunter! That's one I'm really looking forward to. :thumbup:

Yeah, the Rat Hunter LM will a 3 3/16" blade, and the Baby Coot LM will be a 3 5/8" blade.

Me, I'm holding out now for something BIG. I have an M6 and an HRLM, so I need something to handle the larger trees. :D
That is a great looking tail, I wonder if there will be a new Howling Fat!!!?
I like that lanyard the skull is sweat, great looking knife too.

TL, congrats, excellent pic thanks for sharing! and did someone say "a new howling fat" ....interesting!:thumbup:
Me, I'm holding out now for something BIG. I have an M6 and an HRLM, so I need something to handle the larger trees. :D

Track down a Battlerat, one helluva tree pruner and a nice grip to boot! :thumbup: And at prices that shouldn't induce cardiac arrest, even on the exchange forum. :p
I love the old battlerats but the newer LM handles just feel more comfortable in my hands so I hope to see a big chopper with the LM style handles. But, yea, the Battlerat is one beast of a chopper. :)