New Sig

Jul 11, 2003
Well I did it. I used PS, and I have to admit that using PS alone to make a sig is a reall booger. I'm used to having Illustrator, but for some reason it wont load onto my new system. I'm not entirely happy with this one, but its a start. I'll make a better one in due time. Meanwhile, I have updated my profile with new email address, in case any of you have tried getting in touch with me through the old one.
I have Illustrator and Photoshop on my Mac, so if you need some help just drop me an email and if I can do it I will!
same here, I can lend you my meager PS skills if you want.
Here, I came up with something sweet you can use. I've found that ninjas sell knives, so check it out! Free of charge!

Mark Williams said:
Does that mean you didnt get the e-mail I sent yesterday?

Yup. That's exactly what it means. Please shoot me a new email. I'm dying to hear from you! My new addy is in the profiles.
Chiro75 said:
Here, I came up with something sweet you can use. I've found that ninjas sell knives, so check it out! Free of charge!

Not exactly the image I was thinking of, Steve, but nice try. Dang! Must be nice to have l33t skilz on this graphics crap! How you guys can pound this stuff out so quickly really impresses me. :)
Apparently that was a little over the top. Hmmm. Maybe this is more up your alley... it's a little more low key, you know. Wonder if I should stop scheduling so much time between patient visits? :D
I kind of liked the old Black Crow Forge logo myself. It's your shootin' match though and what ever turn your crank...
Mark Williams said:
Does that mean you didnt get the e-mail I sent yesterday?

must not have gotten mine either ;) :D

hey you going to be at the H/I Sunday this time :eek: :D
Well, Higgins didn't like the ninjas or the flames, evidently, so maybe he's more of a cute & fuzzy guy. Here you go, Higgy! :D

Chiro75 said:
Well, Higgins didn't like the ninjas or the flames, evidently, so maybe he's more of a cute & fuzzy guy. Here you go, Higgy! :D


Hey! Now you are talkin! Now throw some happy-love Hentai **** in there and I am good to go. How about young Japanese girls wearing frilly panties? Man, I better shutup and get back to work. ;)
do I gotta do everything for you?


  • higginssig.jpg
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Hey take it from me, you can't beat a hot chick in your sig to drive up the views on your website. :eek: :D :eek:
How about young Japanese girls wearing frilly panties?
OK, that's easy enough.

Here you go:


OK, so that's a little big. Here's the web friendly version:


Just wondering many tilted their head when looking at this? :)