New Thang: Perkins Cisel

Jun 13, 1999
Okay, guys, for those of you who wanted more blade, more handle, thinner profile, etc., here you go. The new Cisele is uploaded at the site (click on the link below); it's 1/8 x 3/4 x 5 3/4, still eminently pocketable at 1.5 oz. The square tip (read serious belly) makes for some wickedly deep slices. Check it out.

Sean Perkins

[This message has been edited by Sean Perkins (edited 17 August 1999).]
Nice. I would love see a cisel model with your clip/drop point though.

Did you drop the 3/16" models? Knew I should have ordered one before.

Sean, my brother, you are a man possessed!

Carry on!!!


Live Free or Die

It's a sexual thing. Nahh, it lightens the weight a bit and gives the "ain't got no handle" guys something to use for cord-wrapping. Plus it gives me a good excuse to dull my drill bits. By the way, I did add an "e" to the end of the name after Nemo emailed me the pronunciation (SEE-zul)-- little too close to "sizzle" and "weasel." Now it's a feminine form, "Cisele" (see-ZELL), which will probably make me the laughingstock of French-speaking people everywhere. As long as it doesn't translate to "booger," or something, I'm happy. Besides, as I told him, a knife that slices this easily just NEEDS to be a girl. Okay, I've pissed off my quota of people for the day. Now I can grind in peace, like a man REpossessed. Later, Precious! ROCK!!

Sean Perkins

[This message has been edited by Sean Perkins (edited 17 August 1999).]