New tip for Civilian?


Jul 28, 2003
In a recent posting on Ebay, a seller stated that the Civilian has been redesigned with a new, somewhat thicker tip for strength. I can't seem to find a reference to this elsewhere, however. Is this true or might it be a misunderstanding on the part of the seller. Thanks in advance for any information.
far as i know the tip is the same as always. maybe the seller got confused. /shrug
IIRC from the Spyderco forum, the tip of the "new" civilian has indeed a new designed tip, that is slightly bigger then the former.

I have not seen comparison pictures between the two tips.

Please be warned that the profile should still match the excisting Civilian blade, some Civi's have their blade reground after tip breakage by the factory.

These are obvious overhauled Civi's and not the one's with increased tip strenght.
Thanks to all for the information. I think the Civilian is a great knife and I would like to purchase any new modificiation.