New to Boker Tree Brand Classics - need catalog

Jun 24, 2007
My Dad loved his Boker Tree Brand pocket knife. He told me about it some nearly 45 years ago, after seeing my new Boker 'dikes' (diagonal wire cutters) I had bought with my then after-school job with a TV repair shop's income. He lost his beloved knife then - went through many more lesser knives thereafter, as a truck driver - mainly used to clean out his pipe. I always wanted to get him one, but something else was always more essential. Time took it's toll on his mind and body - and I lost him many years ago.

Cycle ahead to me in my retirement - recalling those stories. I have quite a few knives - the only slippies I'd bought were some closeout special Pumas at a local store... then, several weeks back - I saw a friend's new Boker knife. I started going haphazzard through the 'gambler's annonymous' worst friend - 'Evil-bay' - but I got a few new Boker Tree Brand classic knives. Now I need to know what is available!

All of that lead up and all I want to know is where do you get a Boker USA catalog - in English? I saw the German site's selling coupon - and price - but I don't use plastic on the webb, save a small PayPal 'card'. Any ideas or leads would be appreciated. Thanks!


PS Any suggestions as to 'must have' examples from their classic line would be appreciated, too.
If you get on their website and on the world map hit the USA it will come up. You can also call them and they will send you one free! It is nice and has alot of pages. GOOD LUCK! Kevin :thumbup: