New to Knives...

Nov 22, 2003
Hi all,

Just wanted to say Hi!

I was at a gun show today with a friend of mine who I shoot sporting clays with, and saw a Benchmade 550S Griptilian.

I instantly fell in love with it, because of its grip, the fact that I can use it easily as a left hander, and the look of it.

So I bought it, and now I'm here, thinking about starting a modest knife collection.

Can you guys point me in the direction of who makes good knives, anything that might interest a total noob?

Thanks allot!

First off, call your personal banker and get your line of credit raised.

Find the UPS driver in your area and show him a safe place to put all of the new packages.

Call Strider, find out who Josh is and send him a canned ham.

Never pee into the wind or badmouth Sebbies. The personal e-mails will never stop. Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the forums! In the $40-150 range Benchmade, Spyderco, and Kershaw are very popular brands, for starters. Check out this site for great deals, and great service:
Hey Spyderco and Benchmade would be great ones to start with.Once you get a Spyderco hole theres no going back.BTW there is a Spyderco forum here too.
Welcome to the forums! You will love it here! Good knives and good folks too! Paul
Welcome to the obsession. You're doing good so far - the Griptilian is a great knife.

You will learn a lot here, and trust me... this is only the beggining :D
Oh boy...

I knew I was screwed once I had the decision to make between the Benchmade and the CRKT Serengetti... The decision was too close to call before my friend pointed out that with my general "all purpose" use, the Serengetti would be allot heavier and not quite as easy to use [the locking mechanism on the Benchmade being much easier for my left-handed self to operate].

So now I'll be searching for the Serengetti to hopefully get a deal on it.
Hi Drakhen!
if you're new and search for some great quality strong knives that can't be beaten for price, try a look at
read how they tests their knives and how much they cost,for wich garanty, then you'll probably save a lot of money :D
Hello and welcome to the forums!

#1 check out Becker Knife and Tool.

Very cool very practical!

If you're into neck knives they just came out with the BK11
Welcome DraKhen99 to the House of Sharp Objects.

There are plenty of great production knives out there. Opinions differ all the time, so take your time. You may like some production knives of a particular name. Later you find out your taste has changed, but that's all right. It happens.

Very much later, or maybe sooner, depending on how deep your pockets are, you may want to own a custom knife. It will eventually happen but again take your time. That's the fun part.

One piece of advice. Don't spend what you don't have, otherwise you will end up a very unhappy man.

In the meantime, look or search the forums for some of your favourite knives and related subjects. They are all over the place and they make very interesting reading.

Enjoy the ride!! :)
Welcome. As others have stated both Benchmade and Spyderco are excellent brands with which to start. Both makes have numerous models that can be utilized by lefties and are backed by solid warranties.
Welcome aboard. Go slow, re read what Tourist wrote, do a lot of searches, and you are sure to be the proud owner of some great bargains very soon. And remember, just because you can get a Ruger and a burger for what some people spend on a 3" pocket knife, don't make fun of them. Touchy, touchy!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Where do you all buy your knives? Do you go to gun shows [do they have knife shows too?], local stores, or buy your knives off of the internet?


Originally posted by DraKhen99
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Where do you all buy your knives? Do you go to gun shows [do they have knife shows too?], local stores, or buy your knives off of the internet?



All of the above! There are lots of knife shows (the largest of which is Blade, held in Atlanta in April) across the US, at least 2 in Canada, and a few in Europe.

Knife shows become more important as you move toward "custom" (handmade or sole authorship) knives. A big part of collecting custom knives is building a relationship with the knifemakers ("buy the knifemaker, not the knife")...for example, there is a big difference between buying the production version of the Crawford Kasper Fighting Folder (made by CRKT) at your local knife store (for under $100) and either attending a show or picking up the phone to call Pat Crawford to order a custom, hand-made lefty KFF with Damascus blade, mastadon ivory inserts and file work around the handle (over $750)..BTW, I have posted reviews of a few knifeshows but the pics seem to be down now (I can link later)

It may be awhile before you switch to customs...I imagine that you will (rightfully) explore production knives, gradually moving to the higher end such as Microtech, Chris Reeve...I would recommend this strategy as you will learn what works for you (e.g. blade length, blade style, handle shape and materials etc.)

Welcome and good luck!

Where are you at.I buy mine from several places.blade forums,knife forums,gun shows,knife shows,internet and knife stores.I just happen to live with in an hours drive of Smoky mountain knife works,the worlds largest knife shop.If you are close enough to Atlanta THE knife show "Blade" will be there in April.:eek:
I'm in Maryland, near the Rockville/Gaithersburg area, if you are at all familiar with the area.
Originally posted by RL
(the largest of which is Blade, held in Atlanta in April)

APRIL???? :confused:
Blade Show is in June.

If you like these forums, how about clicking on the STORE button on the top of this and every page and introduce yourself to OneStopKnifeShop the place that keeps these forums running.

DraKhen, welocome to BFC.
Yep,June.I could have sworn I saw somewhere that it was April.