New way to kill a skunk

Oct 2, 2006
I got a text from my wife that there was a skunk occupying our front step trying to dig under the porch, so I came home through the back door,got my bow (couldn't find my arrows and live in suburbia so I can't use the rifle) so I grabbed the next best thing, a 36 inch blade rapier. I snuck up on the skunk and transfixed the bastard with the sword:D

I managed to kill it quickly enough that it didn't get its tail up to spray, and then left it pinned to the ground and got a shovel and kept the tail down until I got it into a woodchuck burrow and buried it so there was no stench!

Page that is just waaaay cool,! I've only killed two in my life that didn't spray they
were both in traps and I shot them with a .22 dead center between the stripes.
When I went out the door with the sword my wife (who had started facebooking her friends about it when I started looking for my bow) started soliciting advice about dealing with skunk sprayed husbands and bets on how long I would have to sleep in my truck, she was absolutely amazed that I managed to completely avoid getting skunked. She came out and looked when I had it pinned through while I went to find the shovel and was amazed at how big it was once I hoisted it out of the hole on the sword blade with about foot and a half of steel sticking out the other side.

It's an interesting story. I have to say, though, that since moving to WA I haven't seen or smelled a single skunk. I used to see them and smell them all the time in TX... but here... never.

Anyway, while I generally hate killing wild critters, I certainly don't blame you for protecting your house and your family from the lasting nuisance of skunk scent.
If you hadn't killed him you soon would have had the whole family under there. By the way, skunks don't like the smell of Mothballs. I regularly throw a bunch of them under my back porch.
Fencing training does have uses in the real world ! Good work, now I know who to call when I have the problem. This year there are far more skunks than I've ever seen thanks to the warm weather.
There are few animals not welcome on our property. Skunks are on the top of the KEEP OUT list. I have had to dispatch several living under our water tank pad. Nothing like water that tastes like skunk.:barf:
Sometimes even when you shoot them with a 12ga they still manage to spray. Well done on getting him with the sword & no spray! Only thing that could have made it better is

Who says swords are outdated nowdays?

I've got a large skunk living in my back yard. So far it's live and let live, as long as he doesn't try and dig under the house or shop, got plenty of other areas for him to have a home. The armadillos on the other hand, well lets just say were are at war.
The tricky part was sneaking up on it. I severed the spine with the thrust so there was no way it could raise the tail, and I used the shovel to keep the tail tightly wrapped around and under it's backside when I picked it up to transport it

I get a few living around here and they don't pose a problem since I don't have a dog, some years we have a skunk some years we don't. We have mice that can be a real pain to control and skunks kill mice and also clean out the mouse traps. I set several mousetraps around the house next to the wall to catch them where they get in, and noticed that they are often cleaned out. One day I watched the skunk make its rounds just before I was going to take the dead ones out of the trap and the skunk did all the work. All I had to do was set them again.

It got to the point that we would put out kitchen scraps on the plate for him and he was getting very tame. I go out and piss off the deck for convenience and for saving on well water, and one night not realizing it at first but I was pissing right on the skunk while out in the rain. Skunk seemed to like it. I am carefull of making any sudden moves or noise, as having done this he had his tail up and I was looking right down the white pink spot of his weapon of choice but held off pulling the trigger on me.