New Wood Inlay - SHould I be Happy?

Dec 2, 1999
Hi All,

I received a small wood inlay sebenza today ( maple burl ). It is very nice, and looks very nice. I like it.

BUT, when I compare it to a standard small sebenza that I have, I feel a little unsure about justifying an additional $300 for it.


I thought the bump was two bills, not three?

In any case, you have one advantage; the resale value on the wood inlay models is excellent, it should retain most of it's list price if you decide to sell.

I'm of the firm opinion that you should really like the knives you own.
I just figured my reaction would be "WOW! THAT'S GREAT!!" and it was more like "Hmm, yes that's nice".

As far as resale goes, I think at the moment, demand is very soft.

I think that the wood inlay is the best Sebenza made and in time you will come to appreciate it more. To me it is much nicer than the regular Sebenza, fills out the hand more. It's a beautiful work of art. The effort to make these knives is incredible. To me it is a marvel of knifemaking ability. I think that the wood gives the knife charachter.

you paid how much extra for it?......i also thought it was about 200 dollars over a regular small seb.....sounds like you need to find a kinder gentler dealer that charges at maximum the suggested retail price....feverdoc
I should clarify the price thing. I already have a 2nd hand small plain I paid $230 for. The new wood inlay was $530 including postage.

In other words, for me, there is a $300 price difference between the two. Now if someone bought my used small plain that's forsale on the forums I guess I wouldn't have a choice, I'd have to keep it. :)

Does that help? Explaing how one feels about cost and value is tricky.

Here is a thought...

Keep both and sell all of the other folders you own. I find the other stuff adds up quick and you'll be able to justify the $200 - $300 pretty quick.

I have a hard time justifying keeping any of my other knives since I got the Benza Bug.

And don't say you don't have anything else... :).... I think most people aquire a collection of less expensive pieces before buying a Sebenza :D

Keep your eyes open for a bunch of my folders going up soon....
I think that they are worth it; however, this is a subjective decision that you must make for yourself. Just remember, what good is money if it can't buy knives? ;)

Well, it's growing on me. Specially since I have now sold the small plain. :)

BTW, Walt, money is also good if it can by flashlights. And pizza. :D
Don't Happy Dave :) I am ecstatic.....I am getting 4 Wood Inlays tomorrow after waiting since January for them :D
I've worked with some of the best engineers in the country for over 5 years. When I explained to them how the titanium is cut and the difficulty in cutting it, then inlaying the wood for an exact fit, they were very impressed. Hope you will enjoy you woody. I'm still waiting for mine.
i was at mike payne's house last night and got to see what he had left of the four wood inlayed sebs he recieved twelve hours earlier....the ebonies were gone but i got to see the beautiful box elder small seb and the box elder large seb he has o man what beauties....mike can you let the other forum members see these beauties?:)....feverdoc
OK feverdoc,

You and Mike have done a great job...can't live without that small box elder burl.:D Thanks alot!:p