New York Custom Show


Oct 6, 1998
Does anyone have any info on this March show?
Its the weekend of my birthday and my wife said she would drive me up there, hotel included. This will be my first REAL knife show. We dont get many in the Philadelphia area. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
March 12, 13, 14 1999
East Coast Custom Knife Show
Crowne Plaza Manhattan
1605 Broadway (at 49th St.)
New York, NY 10019
Contact: ECCKS, P.O. Box 6071
Branson, MO 65615
(from March 1999 issue of Tactical Knives Magazine, p.13)

I was "unlucky" enough to be stationed in Manhattan a few years ago and attended two New York Custom Shows. These were not huge shows, but many name makers were on hand and there was some beeeutiful knives there. If you're as close as Philly, don't miss out on it.


I went to the East Coast Custom Knife show last year. I'd say there were at least 200 tables set up. Lots of well known names there. Crawford, Polkowski, Elishewitz, Dozier. There were knives for every budget and taste.

I think you'll like it. Call the number Greg posted. They should have a list of makers scheduled to attend.

By the way, is your wife throwing in a knife purchase

[This message has been edited by Mike Moore (edited 27 January 1999).]
Thanks for all the replies. My wife might possibly be making a special purchase for me. We will see and I will let you know.
Thanks again.
A buddy & I are planning on attending the show & it will be the first for both of us. How do prices generally compare to those of discount dealers? Also, do custom makers typically have a selection of completed pieces for sale or do they usually only take orders? Thanks.


[This message has been edited by bcaffrey (edited 30 January 1999).]

Most makers do have knives that you may purchase right at the show. Some of the more popular makers sell out fast - sometimes on Friday. The sooner you get there the better.

As far as prices go, I don't know of any discounts compared to dealers. You might be able to negotiate a better price if you buy more than one, etc. But there are no real bargins.

The good thing is that you get to inspect and handle your purchase before paying for it. You also get to meet the person who made it.
Thanks for the info, Mike. I wasn't really thinking of discounted custom knives, although it's nice to dream sometimes. I was thinking more of high-end production companies who will also be in attendance. Are show prices generally closer to MSRP or those offered by discount dealers? Thanks again.

Sometimes the prices of some of the custom makers may be just a bit higher at the shows (to pay for table/room/travel, etc) but I've gotten decent deals from Benchmade & Spyderco & a coupe of others at the NYC shows- perhaps you could save a few bucks w/ a discount mail-order house, but once the fever hits... my problem is when I get them in my hand I can't put 'em down!

Thanks for the insights, Rugger. I know what you mean about not being able to put them down. I used to stop at a store for ammo en route to the range. They had a good selection of prime cutlery & quite a few that I had never planned on made their way home with me.

I'd be willing to pay more than discount prices, but some MSRPs are just plain unrealistic. I have a couple of Benchmade models in mind and the show should give me the opportunity to actually inspect what I might be buying.
