

Sep 17, 1999
Hi guys,
I'm a newbe on BladeForums and am really enjoying it. I have used knives all my life for hunting and work. Most of those knives were your run of the mill workday Bucks ect... Recently, I've began thinking of buying some mid priced ($100.00) folders. I've looked at Benchmade's Leopard Cub and wonder what some of the more experienced members of this forum think of this knife. I also am considering a Spyderco Wegner for a hunting outdoors knife. Any other ideas and suggestions would be appreciated. By the way, when speaking of hunting I'm referring to small game and deer, field dressing and possibly skinning deer. Thanks in advance. GC
Welcome aboard, hope you find the site enjoyable and worthwile, there's lots of good people and good knowledge here.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Welcome GC!!
I Like the Leopard Cub but I like the AFCK and Stryker in M2 steel better. I think you will find that both of these models are quite popular here on the Forum too! A little more $$$ but that's part of being a knife nut!
I personally dont like folders, especially liner locks for hunting-field dressing. If I did use one, it would have to be one that could disassemble.


Take a look at the Spyderco Moran since you've mentioned hunting as a prime use. I think it'd fit your needs better than the folder.

-=[Bob Allman]=-

I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

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