Newbie Leather Project Questions

Oct 23, 2003
I am starting to think about making some simple sheaths or similiar projects and I have a few questions.

1) What are the minimum tools you would recommend?

2) What are some good sources for inexpensive leather for a newbie who is probably going to screw up a few times (at least)?

3) Suggested Leather thickness for various type projects i.e. sheaths, shooters bag.

This is first my foray into this area, so any advice is appreciated.

A lot of people will tell you to avoid Tandy because it is overpriced and often lower quality... BUT, for a guy just starting, I think it's a good place to go --- especially since they have walk-in retail stores everywhere. I'd take a trip to one and pick up some materials and basic tools if i were you. They have scrap peices of leather (enough to do small sheaths) for very cheap.

You'll need:
-sewing awl
-dye or finish (unless you get a pre-stained piece of leather, which is waht i would recommend for the first one.)

That's all you really need, but i would suggest:
-an edger
-marking tool (for your stitching)
-drill press (my first sheath was without the aid of a drill press, the front looks okay, the backside has horribly crooked stitching. The drill press helps tremendously. If you don't have one, take your sheath to someone's shop and borrow theirs, it make a HUGE difference.) (I know some of the purists will disagree and suggest a dolly, but for a beginner hobyist I think a drill press is the way to go.)

If you're counting pennies, the very first sheath will be expensive. But the cost per sheath goes down quickly as yo get the right tools... Good luck!

Thanks for the response. I know that the initial outlay will make the first couple of sheaths expensive, but it is more about the task than the end product cost.