Newbie question

Jan 31, 2004
Never made a knife in my life, but I've been fascinated with them since I was a kid. I think I know my limitations, and doubt if I could ever be a knife maker; however, I would like to be able to recondition and rehandle knives for my own collection (and possibly to sell). Are there books or videos available that could start me in the right direction? Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Welcome bokertov46,

You'd be suprised - if I can make a knife anybody can.

But if you just want to do some re-handling.... ummmm, I don't know if there is a book for just that. The standard bible is Loveless's "How to Make Knives".

Another great source of information is .

If you want to play, there are kits with everything to need to make fine knives of all sorts. That's easier than working with an old one, and they don't cost much. Check out

Hope that helps,

I have to agree with Sando, don't sell yourself short. My 1st knife looks like it was made by a 4 year old kid - embarrassed to even look at it. I'm getting better with each knife but still have a ways to go. I like Wayne Goddard's book "The $50 Knife Shop". That and this forum! I learn something every time I log on.