Next Busse Purchase?


Gold Member
Nov 22, 1999
I have been thinking about my next Busse purchase some the past couple of days. Even though I just bought a Mean Street from Raden after I swore I was going to wait for the folder to buy another knife. Lately I have seen some primo INFI up for sale on the forums and been sorely tempted.
I have now resolved:rolleyes: to wait for the folder and/or the Crinkle Coated ZT's Jerry says he has stashed away up in Wauseon. Unless of course I have the money and a nice piece becomes available :) Where's that damn tax return when you need it?
My question is: What do the rest of you plan on buying next? What are you waiting for?


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
I'm waiting to hit the lottery!!:D :D
That's the only way that I can keep up with you guys.;) :p
:D That says it!

I'm waiting for the folder too. But I must say that if an interesting custom comes up...

Too many beautiful knives out there, and too much temptation:grumpy:
I can't wait to see what the Steel Heart evolves into when the new line comes out:cool:
a set of zt's, I'm in the middle of paying for

replacement blades for my stolen ones :grumpy:

a straight handled BM and SH

a pure bread fighter set

a user mean street

Even though I have a BAg3 and a PD, all of this talk about how great the Active Duty is has got me thinking that I may need one of them as well.:rolleyes:
I have been thinking the same.... the next iteration of the Steel Heart is what I am holding out for...

That and maybe the Busse Tactical Tomahawk!

Also dreaming of an INFI fighter with a recurve blade, sharpened backside with an ergo handle and stag grips.... :eek:
I'm not the HOG that you guys are.......:D .....but.....if I had the $$$ I would want a SS Satin Jack variant of some type.
I am looking foward to seeing both the Steel Heart, and more anxiously, the Battle Mistress- replacements.:D
I'm waiting for an AD to come, and just think about an BA Variant with sharpened false edge, that has been offered to me. Great Temptation. Should I?
This is the wrong crowd to ask about giving in to temptation, especially where INFI is involved.:D


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
Right now I´m waiting for a Mr MOFO
The card has been charged, I hope the nice gentlemen at the customs stop fondling this baby soon
Maybe it will become my new "duty blade"
Folder. Period. Unless something else. No, the folder. But if something else shows up, no, I must resist. The folder.:confused: :confused:
Originally posted by Arno Fey

Just wanted to read YES...YES...YES...:)

Yes...Yes...Yes... :D:D

At least buy it and then sell it to me ;) (or let me know where I can buy it :D )

Is it an older Straight Handle Model? Have you seen it and are you sure it is an original variant and not one done by someone else trying to pass it off as a variant?

Just curious, I've seen others out there and you might want to ask to make sure it was done at the Busse Shop.
I'm waiting for two knives.... snakeskin Active Duty, and a thin Satin Jack LE. Service had told me the SJ/LE is normally 1/4", which I surprised that, since most people had showed that SJ is normally 3/16", these days. They told me that my new SJ/LE can be made with 3/16"..., and I emailed them that I'd like even thinner, as Busse offers .150" Active Duty.

Service never told me back, but I should get my Satin Jack LE at least 3/16"..., or maybe a little bit thinner.
I couldn't resist any longer and ordered a Euro Combat 4 in crinkle coat with the regular canvas micarta scales. LIving in Germany has some advantages after all!
I had been thinking about a small 1/4" thick blade, and since all the Public Defender and BAIII models are 3/16" nowadays, I didn't know what to do. Then I read some posts on the Euro Combat 4 and found pics and it was just what I was looking for. Should arrive some time on Monday!! First thing to do on semester break is to make a kydex sheath for this baby!
Besides that, just waiting for the new line and the folder! I talked to Jerry not too long ago and when I heard the folder clicking in the background, I fell in love (with the folder, of course)!!!