nimravus sheath questions

Apr 9, 2001
I've got this pretty old benchmade nimravus that I used to carry on my LBE, I used to just tape it on, it got pretty ugly after awhile the sheath is cracked pretty bad and the clip and screws on the sheath are rusted bad from spending many days wet in the north carolina draws.

Anyways I still love the knife but this sheath wasn't meant for military work by any means, Is there any replacements for the sheath you could recommend?

If not, how do I get this rust off the clip? I had to stop carrying it cause its ruining equipment staining it brown.

I've seen the new(er) sheath at that looks pseudo-tactical, could I buy just the sheath from anywhere? I really want something that actually could attach to my pistol belt though if possible

And yeah I know I shoulda taken better care of my old "first production run" nimravus, But the knife is still perfectly good, if you don't count all the black stuff being scratched off the blade by sand getting in the sheath. I even have the old guy who sells cheap chinese knock offs to soldiers at the airborne PX on Ft. Bragg sharpen it for me once in a while :rolleyes:

This knife and I have a history together and I can't stand to let her go even if there are prettier girls on the block. Thanks in advance for your help. :)
Second Eric's sheaths! I have one for my Nimravus, and have owned three or four others.
Here's a link to his site:
If you order one, be sure Eric knows about it going on an LBE, so you get the mounting options you need.
And I'll third On/Scene Tactical! :D

I have a sheath for my Nimravus Cub (along with a few others) and it is great! Top notch work that will last a lifetime!
You're military and I'm not, so our method of carry would be different, but I just recently sent my Nim back to Benchmade for a new sheath. When I asked about the cost, I was told $20.00, but that they would need the knife to be sent back to them to re-profile the blade (to assure a proper fit). I have other fixed blades, so it's not as though I'll be without one in it's absence. That been said, I am looking forward to trying out Normark for one of my knives soon. geegee