Ninjas versus Giant Radishes: we prevailed!

Oct 9, 2003
I made three more stupid videos today, I am hoping Dave will post them for me (us)
This is a giant radish (daikon) from Japan. they can get to be as big as your leg...
I used three different khukuris, one was made by a competitor.
17" foxy folly
25" Gelbu special
25" "other brand" khukuri
(I wont be any more specific than that out of courtesy for our host)

They are all fun, but honestly ,the "little" 17 inch foxy was the easiest to cut with. I think this radish was just no challenge to these bigger weapons. Ill have to find something tougher....
I think the movie was "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes," but still pretty nifty footage.

Any twisting with the "other company's khuk?"
Just doing my part as a concerned citizen. The way I figure, if anyone ever hires some ninja to take me out, I'll be in an excellent position to bargain for my life. ;)

Good stuff. I'm always up for seeing some cutting vids. (And rapidly running out of excuses for my lack of the same.)

As I told Danny via email, those are some very large radishes - not the exact terminology that I used, but you get the hint.
Interesting to see the FF carry through in an almost effortless fashion, I've never managed to get hands-on with one of these, are they a solid chopper?
Oh goody. I'm so super excited to get my new FF.:D I wish there had been a more apples to apples kind of comparison. I've seen that other knife, and thought it looked useless to me as a woodsman. I'm not a martial artist such as yourself Danny. What is your opinion of that blade as a martial artist I wonder?

Dave...Your new avatar is AWESOME!:thumbup: :eek:
Dave Rishar said:
Just doing my part as a concerned citizen. The way I figure, if anyone ever hires some ninja to take me out, I'll be in an excellent position to bargain for my life. ;)

Dude, you can't bargain with a ninja. You'd never see him comin'. You'd be all like, "Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm (humming). Doin' my daily stuff. hmmmm hmmmm hmmm. Just mindin' my own busine..." SHHHWOOOSH, SLICE..THUNK

Rumor has it, ninja's just don't get a crap. I heard one time that a ninja destroyed a periodic table and screamed in Japanese "Ninja's only respect one element...the element of surprise." Then in a puff of smoke and sweetness, he was gone. (This joke was lifted and modified from a Mr. T website)

That radish, although ungodly in size, was not very hard to cut. It's a radish.
So, none of the khukuris faced any kind of cutting challenge. It was really just cutting practice for me.
Yes, the foxy is easy to cut with compared to the bigger khukuris, but you may have seen what that 25" gelbu can do to leg-thick bamboo.
Ninjas dont bargain, but they do shop like crazy. We're packrats. Just keep an extra seax around for placative purposes and you should be fine.
Krull said:
Danny that's not a khuk....I'd call that a "boomarang knife" :D
now tell,what in sam hell exactly is that??

crescent moon sirupate kukhri

from 'he who shall not be named' (they're out of stock anyhoo)
Crescent Moon Sirupate Specifications

Blade length = 42cm, Handle length = 22cm (double handed), Weight = 28oz.

i ain't got one, am waiting for the HI version.....
i do hope those daikon are not going to waste. them is some tasty root veggies :)

that FF cuts better than a "ginsu" :> :> :>

Danny and Dave Rishar,
unless my memory is playing tricks on me again, it is against the rules for a member without photo rights in the forum to ask a Gold Member to post them for him. It is against the rules for Gold Members to do this. I want to abide by Spark. I'll leave it alone but please remember.

munk said:
Danny and Dave Rishar,
unless my memory is playing tricks on me again, it is against the rules for a member without photo rights in the forum to ask a Gold Member to post them for him. It is against the rules for Gold Members to do this. I want to abide by Spark. I'll leave it alone but please remember.

I'm hosting these externally via my ISP, not through my BF account. If I'm in error here, feel free to snip 'em. (Or let me know and I'll snip 'em.)
We're getting into legal distinctions I have no idea about. I'll ask the other mods. Don't worry about it though.

Yvsa says it's OK as long as the picts are hosted offsight. So, OK, I guess.

munk-who me, lawyer?
Cool vids Danny! FYI, for those interested, I'm posting my own with some Safeway radishes and my 24.5" 45 oz. GRS. I just lay the blade on them and it squashes them... :D