nipple on a knife?

Adds new meaning to, playing with your knives.:D

That is one beautiful little knife. The damascus is stunning and the overall shape, very appealing. Got to be careful not to play with it too much in public, though.;)
The question I want answered is whose nipple it is?

Maybe there will be a future collectors set?

(oh, whadda ya mean this isn't W&C)
Personally, I think that a wrinkly nipple, all by itself, is pretty unremarkable. I might even call it ugly. But, if there's a person out there that thinks a wrinkly nipple butt cap looks good, he'll be happy to know that one exists.

Differentiation is part of the fun of making and collecting custom knives. Some people will like wrinkly nipple butt caps, some won't. But that's the point. This knife is unique and it's got a story to tell.

I don't particularly like the knife, but I do like the fact that someone made it. :)
I'm gald it's not a male part! LMAO Heck where the rest of it anyway? :p hehe

Originally posted by DaveH
The question I want answered is whose nipple it is?

Maybe there will be a future collectors set?

(oh, whadda ya mean this isn't W&C)

Dave, a friend of mine owns a Parang done by Hank, with the same type pommel. He said the model was the makers wife.:eek: :eek:
Yeah, I'd hate to suggest that one if I were you too, Ed.
By the way, my previous post was not meant as an insult to Ed. Just pointing out that I find Ed's sense of humor to be a bit twisted.
Woah Keith: The major interpertation of this knife with such attribute was one of sensual essence. I thought it appropriate to provide the maker with a maybe more acceptable (in some venues) basis such as fond memories of nurture. This would have been my plea had my mother found a knife like that in my posession when I was in my early teens.

To state it another way, there is two sides to a coin.