No Beating Round the Bush.

Jul 2, 2001
Simple question.

Prefer a simple answer.

What blade is toughest? The Busse combat grades, or the Swamp Rats?

What blade will eat through barbed wire with less damage, a Steel Heart or a Camp Tramp?

No beating round the bush, guys.

I'm not sure about those "Basics knock-offs", but my Stealheart cuts up welded-wire fencing quite nicely.
Originally posted by Bravado
Hard to say which is toughest. Either way you can't
go wrong.

Well, considering both lines of knives are built for toughness, that is, they are designed for being tough survival knives above everything else, then I guess you are saying that the Busses are over-priced because they are no tougher than the Swamp Rats. Afterall, the Swamp Rats are half the price of the Busses.
Well I think some of the advantages of being
"Over Priced" is their collectability, I'm not
familliar with any other semi production knife
that appreciates in value, are you? Other than
that I've read that Infi is more corrosion
Originally posted by Bravado
I'm not familliar with any other semi production knife that appreciates in value, are you?

Yes, Randall Made Knives (RMK). :)

Re: Which blades are tougher - Busse or Swamp Rat??? I don't know. Every time I try to find out, they both seriously whup my butt and I have to take liquids and a nap to recuperate, while they snicker and gloat about not even breaking a sweat. ;) :D :D :rolleyes:

Info from the Busse/SRKW shop states that INFI is tougher than SR101 steel by some degree. However, IMHO any situation that calls upon that difference in steel performance will have long past killed me or any other mere mortal. Thus it's something of a moot point which is tougher, since they are both tougher than they need to be.

Buy 'em, beat 'em, love 'em!
Upon good information I can tell you that INFI is tougher than SR101. However, INFI is truly in a class by itself as foar as knife steels go and SR101 is very, very tough. As a matter of fact, I join the sentiment that you will probably never see the difference and if you did, you would be extrememly exhausted.:rolleyes:

Seriously, SR101 is as tough as tough can get in this type of application with INFI just being beyond that keasure.:D
".... then I guess you are saying that the Busses are over-priced because they are no tougher than the Swamp Rats. Afterall, the Swamp Rats are half the price of the Busses...." -- komondor

Actually, I think we're saying that the Swamp Rats are severely UNDER priced!

Find another blade on the market today that will surpass a Swamp Rat in performance, other than a Busse, and if you can find one, you will be paying well in excess of 4-5 times the price of the Swamp Rat. . . . So, I guess that means that since the Busses are ONLY double the price of the Swamp Rats that the Busse Combat blades are severely underpriced as well.

I'm gonna have to get my calculator out and price our knives according to "Performance vs. Price" when compared to all of the other knives on the market today. . . . . That means that Steel Hearts will now be priced at $32,000.00!!!!! ;)

In regards to the price difference, Busse Combat Blades are much more expensive to manufacture in both materials and labor.

In regards to performance, the Busse Combat Blades greatly excell in corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and cutting performance. However, it is true that few will ever see these differences in common field use. But, for those who will take their blades far beyond "common field use", Busse Combat Blades stand alone.

Busse Combat Blades are built for the most extreme individuals and most dire scenarios on the planet.

Read the "Death Chat Thread" . . . all 2300 plus posts, and you'll get a taste of "extreme individuals"!!!! LOL ;)

BTW, We are the "official knife" of the "Feb. 2003 Death Chat Survivors"...... Which only proves that we are willing to supply the INSANE !!!! ;)

Welcome to the Busse forum. Feel free to join in the fun.

I can't really make a big dent in this discussion, because I don't yet have my Busse, but here is the way I look at it.

A scant few weeks ago I outfitted myself with a couple of knives to use when I'm hunting. A Swamp Rat Camp Tramp will be my 'in camp' knife. I chose it because I've read that it is extremely tough and because it is very reasonably priced. If I lose it, chop it in half, embed it in a polar bear, etc, I won't be out too much money. I also love the relatively soft grip for what little chopping I've done so far. The knife I carry on my person is a Busse NO. Honestly, I just bought it because it popped up in the Sale forums, and I just WANT a Busse. Would a rat have been a better choice? In terms of value, yes. In terms of satisfaction, no.

The only definitive thing I've ever read about the difference between the two lines is that INFI is more corrosion resitant. When I'm in camp I have access to knife care supplies so the SR101 will not have to demonstrate any corrosion resistance anyway. Out in the field I might have to cape out a Caribou and do nothing more than wipe off the knife on my pantleg. So I suppose there is some small advantage in there somewhere.

Regardless, if you are questioning whether you will get your money's worth, strictly in terms of use, by paying twice as much for a Steel Heart over a Camp Tramp, buy the Rat. It might have less testosterone appeal, but it is a heck of a knife.
Originally posted by Citori
If I lose it, chop it in half, embed it in a polar bear, etc, I won't be out too much money.

If you lose it we can't help you but those other two should be covered under your warranty ;):D:D
Originally posted by Jerry Busse
. . . . . That means that Steel Hearts will now be priced at $32,000.00!!!!! ;)

Thank God I already have one. :)

As far as the Swamp Rats being underpriced, hmmm, I guess I never though of that.

I thought if there was a chance of the Rats being tougher, I would get one, because I took a big old chip out of my SH by cutting some thick cardboard not too long ago. Just kidding. :)

Jerry and others, you did a good job of not beating around the bush. Thanks for the info.

As far as the SH goes, I guess I have to start using it.