No Big Deal...

Aug 1, 1999
I guess I had to get this out of my system...


2-3/4" 154CM blade, 5 -3/4" OAL, Mammoth Ivory handle.

The hollow grinds were done on a 1" contact wheel, same size as the quarter. Now back to what I know. I don't know if bigger is better but it is definitely easier! :)
Originally posted by GaKnife
I guess I had to get this out of my system...


2-3/4" 154CM blade, 5 -3/4" OAL, Mammoth Ivory handle.

The hollow grinds were done on a 1" contact wheel, same size as the quarter. Now back to what I know. I don't know if bigger is better but it is definitely easier! :)

Jerry, do you have any finger nails left. ;^)

I need to go visit Jerry to make sure his fingertips are not all burnt up from grinding that little puppy.

Nice work (what did I expect).
Hi Jerry,

That is nice work. Would like to see one up close and personal someday. If that is no big deal, then how about serving one up with a kriss blade?:)
How much would it cost for me to buy one of those 'no big deal' knives from you? I love that style and know how much of a pain it must have been. Great work Jerry.
I like everything about that little beauty. It has a blade shape and grind that is one that I find very pleasing. The handle is made of my favorite material and has a comfortable look to it.

Thanks for the great picture Jerry.
Great knife Jerry!

I'm with Max - what does a little beauty like that go for? Shoot me some email?

Damn, Ebbtide, you beat me to punch asking for a mini-smatchet! :)

Jerry, that is one gorgeous little knife. The entire piece from blade to handle is just lovely.

OK, I got that out of my system and am back to what I know. 15" Blade at the top, 10" at the bottom, pain in the middle. Yes, I did lose some flesh in grinding that little sucker.


Since I sold that little guy as one of a kind to Larry at BladeArt, and am not taking orders at the moment, I really can't quote a price. I don't know if he's selling it, or if it's for his collection. I may make more, but not until well after I heal.

Thanks for the nice remarks. They're genuinely appreciated.



Remember this one! I still think it is one of the highlights of the knives at Blade - and it cuts like a son-of-a-gun!! Pure artistry and a wonderful user - you may like the bigger stuff better but you could make ones like this for me any day of the week! The comments I received from your peers when showing the knife just reinforced my opinions of the beauty & workmanship involved in the knife. You need to let these urges out more often!(just let me know beforehand - I want more!
:D :D :D )

Thanks Bill. I'm glad you like your knife. The reason I don't do more of those is that the handle is what I would call a high risk event. There are more things to screw up on that handle than you can imagine, and since it starts with ivory they are expensive screw ups.

I have a 3 or 4 more blades done in Devin's Damascus, so more fancy hunters are certainly in the offing. Sometime...