I'm no marketing wizard, but the following ideas have occurred to me.
1. You can't put out too many "special" knives too fast, and still have them be perceived as "special".
2. Moderately priced knives are going to sell more than more expensive ones. "Special" models should be better than normal production, but not excessively so. Upgrading the Native to G-10 rather than FRNR, and to CPM-440v rather than Gin-1 is the right approach, rather than, say, fossilized-dinosaur-poop scales and meteorite -and-crushed-Rolex Damascus blade. Making the Native blue was a nice added touch to make the knife unique without adding to the cost.
3. Knives that appeal to a wide variety of users will sell better than outrageous or quirky designs. I'm not going to get in the habit of telling Rekat how to make knives, but I believe more people would buy a Megafolder if it didn't look like a Gil Hibben-Worf collaboration.
4. There are a couple of ways to approach the decision of what to offer as a special knife. On the one hand, you could offer tried-and-true models that are already popular among forumites, such as (slightly) upgraded Militaries, Enduras, Calypso Jrs., etc. The possible drawback is that a person who already ones one or more of the standard production version might not feel the need to add another "special" one to the collection.
I already have two Delicas, for example, If the Blue Native were a Blue Delica, I don't think I'd be able to justify buying it. On the other hand, you could look for one of those excellent "sleeper" knives that are appreciated by cognoscenti such as Joe Talmadge and James Mattis, but that haven't been widely embraced by the knife buying public. Pick out a sleeper and make it special, and maybe the forumites will buy it. This would be a good knife that most people don't already have. Make it a little bit better than normal production issue, and maybe we'll buy it. The Native was a good choice in this respect; most of us don't already have one, and it looks like a good design, both in terms of form and function. Another good choice for a later date might be the Rekat Pioneer. Get Benchmade to do a flat ground drop point Stryker, and I'd be all over it. (These are just a few arbitrary examples that occur to me--knives that should sell themselves to any intelligent person.
5. A survey of who's interested will give you a less accurate representation of actual interest than would an actual deposit. Special projects such as the Sifu could be done with a fair amount of confidence if people will "subscribe" with a nominal payment up front.
6. I'm wondering if adding the "BladeForums.com" to the blade will make the knife sell better or worse. Personally, I think I'd just as soon not have that etched on my Blue Native. I like BladeForums as much as anybody, but it might make me think twice about buying another one as a gift for my dad's birthday.
These are just things that have occurred to me recently. My views may not be representative of the majority of forumites, but I know what I like.
Thanks for giving us the Blue Native. It's gonna be like the best Christmas ever!
David Rock