No more khukuri's for me !!

Feb 13, 2002
No more khuks for me for a while, Jill and I just bought our first home and my khuk fund has been rapidly depleted. Really looking forward to moving in but I didn't realise all the hidden costs.

I'll have to get a second job so I can get me some more khuks

:( :grumpy:
Brendan--congrats on the home purchase. The lack of khukuri funds is a definite downside though.
Sorry to hear you won't be buying any more for a while. I hope you'll keep posting though.
When I saw how much import tax I paid on my HI kukri I vowed never again. I don't mind paying my hard earned cash to Uncle Bill, but no way does our government deserve £45 for doing nothing :barf:
I decided to satisfy my cravings by making my own kukri! I am at the rough grinding stage, but I don't recommend this route, because I have spent a fortune buying an anvil, and on bladesmithing lessons. It's damn good fun though :D
Good luck with the inevitable DIY that follows a house purchase.
Congratulations, Brendan.

A small rearrangement of priorities should handle the khuk fund problem. You are, very understandably, probably putting khukuris somewhere on the list after food. Simply reverse these positions. Most people eat too much, anyway.

Glad to have helped.
A home is more important than a khukuri. When the two meet, as you have some still with you, then it is even better. How lucky for you and your lady to start with a home.

Don't worry, times will get better eventually.
Congratulations on your new house! The Khuks will come in due time. Maybe 'House warming" presents ;). Best of luck!
Glad to hear of the new house. Things will straighten out so khuks will come later. A roof and groceries come first with all of us. Hope you enjoy the new home very much.

I remember the first house my wife and I bought. The only house we really bought. Nice being out at the very edge of town. then like Daniel Boone.
Things got a little tight, No elbow room. Bought some land built a house myself. didn't like the way it was coming out, tore it down and startged over. We live in the second house and like it much better. I have small stuff to do inside yet but we are comfy in winter and cool in summer. R-19 in the walls and R-30 in the ceilings.

Take care Brendan and God Bless you and yours.:)
It's a very exciting time, I'll have to invite loads of people around for the house warming. Might get lucky and score a khuk, doubt it though.

Thanks for support chaps !!

Better just call it no khuks fer a while, but not "No more ever." To be truly eccentric, one hasta have a lot of khuks!

Hope you lovebirds enjoy the new nest!

Originally posted by Brendan
It's a very exciting time, I'll have to invite loads of people around for the house warming. Might get lucky and score a khuk, doubt it though.

Thanks for support chaps !!


Congrats on the house Brendan. You did good, Real Good!!!!:D

Just a couple of questions though....

1st.- When you and Jill getting married?

2nd.- Does the house have a nursery for the little one?:p ;)
When I was little, and amazed at how many uncles and aunts I had, I would ask,"Dad why do I have so many Uncles and Aunts?"

He would say,"Son, because Grandma and Grandpa didnt have a T.V."

So my little bit of sage advice, or at parsley advice, is Brendan, before getting more khuks, or deciding what color to paint the house, buy you and your wife a T.V.:confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :p
And don't ever let Jill see your khuks all at the same time. Or tell her how many. You can learn to be sneaky, it just takes a little practice.

;) :p :D
Originally posted by Rusty
And don't ever let Jill see your khuks all at the same time. Or tell her how many. You can learn to be sneaky, it just takes a little practice.

;) :p :D

THAT is the secret to harmonious cohabitation with wives and knives!
We dont know the date just yet but it should be about 6-8 weeks. We are putting the wedding off now for a while so we dont know the date just yet.

I bought a tv already so there's no danger of filling the nursery jsut yet.


Congrats on the new home Brendan. Here's a little story (true one at that) that'll give you a chuckle regarding husbands and wives.

I know a fellow who's an avid fisherman. The outboard motor on his boat is a two-cycle, which requires him to mix oil with his gas. The correct mixture ratio for his particular fuel tank was one pint of oil. He made a big display of bringing home pint whiskey bottles "donated by friends" and filling them with two cycle oil. After a time, his wife no longer raised an issue about the pint bottles, it was accepted that they were filled with oil for the boat motor. One chilly morning before dawn, I sat in his boat fishing and he produced the bottle of motor oil and offered me a sip. To my surprise that "two cycle oil" tasted a lot like Old Grand Dad whiskey.;)

Your priorities are in order.

At the end of life, few ask "how much did I have?"

Most want to know "How many did I love and how many loved me?"