no two letter searches?


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998
Tried to do a search for D2 and it wouldn't let me. I also tried to do a search fopr AFCK II and it wouldn't let me. It says words have to be at least three letters long unless you want to put * before and after and that gives you everything with those letters in them. Is there any way to not limit the search feature to less than 3 letters?
That's annoying a lot of people -- I keep seeing posts about it, scattered around the forums. Is there any real evidence that people would search for words like "of" and "to" and use up resources? Seems to me unlikely that would be much of a problem....
Exactly. But try and look up A2, or M2, or D2. Hopefully it is something that can be fixed.
Sorry - it we did do that, it'd increase the size of our search index exponentially because every single 2 letter word would show up in it.
