"No Use" List..

I also try to use all of my knives. Unless it's a one-of-a-kind art piece, it's a tool and it's meant to be used.

While I don't own any expensive production knives, I have made a few knives that would feel at home in a safe.

When I made this knife for my brother's birthday, the one stipulation was that he has to carry and use (not abuse) it.

Anyone with more then just a few knives I am sure has this list...the "No Use" list..the "I like this knife so much, or I spent SO much on this knife that I am not going to use it, just have it and admire it" list.

Well...I have a few knives, and 2 of mine on the "No Use" list are the Kershaw Offset and the Kershaw Tyrade. Today...even though my conscious fought me about spending this much on a knife at this moment (to which I won), I ordered a ZT 0300. So with that coming as well, this for sure would go at the top of the No Use list. So my question is this: I was thinking, Life is short..I should take at least one of these knives off the No Use list and use it and enjoy the knife...so if you were me, which knife would it be and why..? ALSO..when replying - let me hear what is on your NO Use list...curious to see what others feel is so precious that they dare not ever use it, just admire it :)

First off Wavester.............SHAME ON YOU!!;):D for putting those fine knives in the safe!

Now, which to use?? I would leave the Offset in the safe because I think it is too bulky to try and carry in the pocket. The Tyrade would make a great edc, but it is in limited numbers and after they are all sold it will probably be a premium price you will pay to get one. So that leaves the logical user, the ZT0300. More than the other two, this knife just screams out, "USE ME", it rides in the pocket well with the clip being placed so that only a small amount of the knife actually sticks out of your pocket, and the clip is short and black so as to be more unnoticable than the other two knives with their wide and shiny clips. The handle is very ergonomic, great blade steel, great lockup, slick and sweet action, and that is why I would choose the 0300 over the other's!:)

So, after posting I went back and actually read the thread and wanted to add something. Currently I do not have any knives I don't carry. For one thing my collection is soo small due to having to sale most of it. Through the years I've found my self carry some expensive knives. I always carry my main knife in my right front pocket with NOTHING else in there. By main knife, I'm talking about whichever single bladed, deep carry clipped, 3.5" or greater blade, it happens to be. As I've stated elsewhere on the forums, this knife sees very little use, if any at all. The chores I need a knife for are handled very well with a short bladed knife such as a Case slippy, or currently, a Boker Wharcom. I simply like to be able to carry a unique knife for the pure satisfaction of it, and I also like it to be equipped with a deep carry clip so that all, or as much as possible, of the knife is inside my pocket with only a short clip showing on the outside. Guess what I'm saying is that it is possible to carry a "Safe Queen" and get the joy of carrying it, but it still be a "Safe Queen". Usually the only problem that arises, as far as marking the knife, is with the clip. To fix that, I always cover my clips with some black 3M Stair Step tape. The adhesive is very strong and keeps the tape on, yet it can be peeled off and it remains in original condition with maybe a tiny bit of left over adhesive to rub off. I always purchase my knives with an eye towards being able to carry them. And that is how I do it!!:D:D:D
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right now i only really have a few knives i don't carry. its not a matter of not wanting to (except in the case of the s60v blur because i think its just too special) just that others are in use so much more that i dont update my rotation that much.

among the knives that don't normally get use are the aforementioned blur, the SG2 JYDII and a backup factory second ti/zdp mini cyclone.

on the other hand, the knives ive been using more and more recently have boiled down to a 301 in my right front, a groove in my left rear pocket and a RAM and skyline in my bag just in case :)
Use`m all, just as they were intended to be.
Personally I would never never buy a knife just to look at. I understand the collection bug, I had it as a youngster. Older now, I`ve learned. If I want to buy something to look at, I`ll get a new tv (those big`ole plasma`s look cool!)
Number of knives on my "no use" list? none. That said, I do have a "extremely limited use" list. My Spyderco BG-42 Military and Civilian only get brought out for Christmas and special occasions (like my cousins wedding the other day).

The Offset is definitely the one that should be used. That knife has such a unique handle and blade, it will be most unlike anything else you have used.
And while I don't have one, yet, the Offset is near the top of my "to get" list for the previously stated reasons (and would be the top if it were to be made in S90V or similar).
As usual, it is interesting to get the opinion of others. Of the 3 knives you mentioned, there are different groups that would carry different ones for different reasons. As stated above, I too would carry the ZT. Yes, I am ZT prejudice but, thats my style. I have 3 of them and they are each loved. I have a Tad Gear Desert Warrior which has only seen daylight 1 time, that was to look at it, put back in box, then store in gun cabinet. The other is an 0300 which is a backup to my EDC 0300. It too has only seen daylight once. I dont have as many knives as some of these fella's but, I do have some nice ones and some expensive ones. ZT's, Lone Wolf, Big Benchmade Rukus, SOG X-ray, CRKT m-16, Buck Strider etc. I love tactical type knives and would consider myself somewhat of a collector/user. I have used all of these knives, some hard, some easy, some none at all. Go with your gut, carry that ZT, beat the "H" out of it and enjoy it.
I've been thinking about getting a ZT 0100 and if so, it probably won't get used much. Most the knives I buy, I buy to use. I'm not a collector... I'm a user.
I currently use all the knives I own. I am working my way up to purchasing knives that I won't use as much. At a minimum I will shave paper with my knives just to make sure they are sharp.