Nomination to INFI Hog Hall of Fame!

Oct 22, 2001
I had the opportunity to speak with our very own Eric Isaacson the other night. I got the feeling that he really wanted a nomination to our distinguished group, even though he protested that he wasn't worthy of such recognition, since he only had about 70 pieces or was it pounds, I can't remember. He kept mumbling something about having his eye on me, whatever that means. Anyway, despite his protests, I could tell deep down that he really wanted an official nod so here it is.

I hereby nominate Eric, Blackhole of the Variants, Isaacson to the INFI Hog Hall of Fame!

Would any of my bretheren like to second the nomination?:D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Progunner
since he only had about 70 pieces or was it pounds, I can't remember.

Thanks for the nomination but I think there must have been a bad connection on the phone because your number is off by about 60 pieces(too high that is). I only have a handful of pieces that I just continue to show off. No HOG here, just someone pretty good at photoshopping others pics :D:D
"I only have a handful of pieces that I just continue to show off. "

:barf: :p

Argonne Assault variant, Jungle Assault variant, Bird and Trout variant, Knight Light variant........... ;)

Eric is a new kind of HOG........but just as HOGGish :grumpy: :D
Originally posted by Andrew Lynch
Argonne Assault variant, Jungle Assault variant, Bird and Trout variant, Knight Light variant........... ;)

I don't even know what this stuff is???:confused:

hell, he's not only in the hall of fame, he should be one of the board of directors, along with those other little piggies Skunk, 1wb's and contender!

Now, being the janitor/archive guy for the Hall of Fame, you should immediately send me your knives so I can catalog them!:D
Progunner, unless Eric has pulled a Pete Rose (and our due diligence will absolutely uncover that information) then I agree that Eric more than deserves the nomination and inclusion.

Any true HOG will squirm and begin to lie (such as his comment about being an expert at "photoshopping other peoples pics" as an example) whenever his HOGGISHNESS is questioned.

What I don't understand is Wilco's vehement declaration that I too belong with this esteemed group. For I am but a mere lad in the world of INFI compared to these PIGGISH fellows !
Marc, I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. Did you really just type the following?

Originally posted by contender
Any true HOG will squirm and begin to lie (such as his comment about being an expert at "photoshopping other peoples pics" as an example) whenever his HOGGISHNESS is questioned.

What I don't understand is Wilco's vehement declaration that I too belong with this esteemed group. For I am but a mere lad in the world of INFI compared to these PIGGISH fellows !

I think the top comment speaks to the second comment my friend.

I on the other hand have faked my way into the Hall of Fame by use of smoke, mirrors and a special Blade Forums version of the Jedi mind trick. I have you all fooled into believing that I have 40+ blade when I really have but four.

Wait I can't mislead you guys, I really only have three.

No, I couldn't live with myself for fibbing like that. I really and truly have two.

Actually I have one beat up old SH-E. But I would accept any donations of INFI to get a second one so my poor butt can actually feel just a little hoggish. :D
Progunner, you remind me of my old girlfriends when they use to ask how many other girls I had been with (trying to be coy "well only 10 - what too many?!, then 5, no 3," etc...).

Only difference is they believed me ! :D
All of my busses are just pictures cut out from magazines, enlarged, then attached to a similar shaped card board cut out to give the illusion of thickness!


and contender, yes you belong there!

piggy piggy piggy!
A Bird and Trout variant would be a great thing to behold.

I myself will one day attempt to lobby for a Santuko Sushi knife variant. That way, when someone hires me to serve sushi at their party, I can chop concrete blocks and stuff for added flair.
Originally posted by Wilco busses are just pictures cut out from magazines, enlarged, then attached to a similar shaped card board cut out to give the illusion of thickness!

Wilco, you did say your Busses, right? I am beginning to worry about you! :D ;)
quote from Progunner

Wilco, you did say your Busses, right? I am beginning to worry about you!

Wait, this is a knife forum? I thought this was a public transportion forum!

Well, I definately don't have any Busse Knives!

Just Busses!
With all these nominations being put forth shouldn't the Group be the "H.O.G." the Hall of Gluttony? Seem smore appropriate don't you think? :D :p :D


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
clever, nick. that should be reservered for the super hogs, with 40 or more knives!