Not going to miss out again!


Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005
After screwing around and missing out on the CT, now I found out I've missed out on the Bandicoot too! I had already decided to order the coot and the HR since I couldn't decide which I wanted more. Just came up with enough $$, too!

Anyway- no more chances for me- just ordered my HR (big sigh of relief!)- Thanks to Eric for the head's up!

Now I know this is a very popular blade and I've heard its more than meaty enough to ask the Swamp to thin the edge a bit to improve slicing. I'd like to hear from anyone who's done this, or had it done, as to how much they thinned it, how happy they are with it, etc. Also, I can't figure out how to ask for how thin I want it- Would it be like "Thin it 20%" or do I need to give a measurement? I don't even know the stock measurement. Help, please!

Oh- and if you don't think thinning is a good idea, or is unnecessary, please weigh in with that too!
I'd love to be able to help a feller out with all the technical measurements and such, but the best I can do is say that I thinned mine a "smidge". I have had absolutely no problems doing this though. :D

BTW, CongRATS on getting the new blade. This is definitely a blade worth having. :thumbup:
Wait 'till you get it before you think of changing it! Or, bite the bullet and get two. It will probably serve your needs as is. It really is a well thought out knife. Another option is two wait "two weeks" before you start modifying it and see if the new line has something closer to what you THINK you want to change your howler into. But I would reccomend getting one. It is going to be missed no matter what bubbles up from the swamp to replace it.
Bumppo said:
Wait 'till you get it before you think of changing it! Or, bite the bullet and get two. It will probably serve your needs as is. It really is a well thought out knife. Another option is two wait "two weeks" before you start modifying it and see if the new line has something closer to what you THINK you want to change your howler into. But I would reccomend getting one. It is going to be missed no matter what bubbles up from the swamp to replace it.

I totally agree. The Howling Rat as it stands will be one of the most sought after blades in the coming months. It will be a tough act to follow. Since I already have a couple, I'm ready for the new version to come out. :cool:

BTW, welcome to the Rat forum, Bumppo. :D :thumbup:
Don't worry. In the five month wait that follows, you'll have plenty of time to change your mind about fifty times. :D
Thanks guys- Really makes me glad I didn't miss out on this one! I think I'll follow your advice and check it out "as-is".

Getting 2 is also the kind of advice I'd really like to take, but I want to be ready to get the Camp Tramp replacement, too- oh, yeah, and maybe the new version Bandicoot- not to mention the new HR so I can compare, and maybe the new Battle Rat- oh, yeah- and maybe a second job!!
Thank you for the welcome, 360 Joules! You Know me as Kneecleaver in the damper regions of the swamp. I was unable to use that screen name here.
Bumppo said:
Thank you for the welcome, 360 Joules! You Know me as Kneecleaver in the damper regions of the swamp. I was unable to use that screen name here.

Right on! I didn't recognize you. Did somebody already take "Kneecleaver"? :confused:

At any rate....Bumppo it is! It's good to have you here. :cool: :thumbup:
I had used KC here years ago, and had changed servers a couple times, so there was a problem with obtaining the old password. Thanks again for the welcome.