Not your EDC....


Enjoying the discussions
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 8, 2001
...But it sure would be fun!

I offer for your viewing pleasure the craftsmanship of one Jack Levin. He is a long-time maker of knives, and some of you will recognize this style, as it has been covered in Blade (June 2001 last page), and the cover of 'Knives 2002'. He tells me he made six of this style.

I made the trip to Brooklyn NYC to visit Jack and we spent three hours going over his shop, his work, and some stories of his life. I had met him some time ago at the NYC Empire Knife Club monthly meeting, and took an immediate liking to his straightforward, and sometimes coarse character. His big frame, thick stubby fingers, and coarse Latvian heritage don't seem appropriate to this elegant and delicate folder. He has always treated me very courteously, and doing so has earned my respect. I must say he makes quite unique knives. This is only one of many styles he offers. I took advantage of the last of the six here, and drove back home with this.

George Werth damascus blade, titanium blasted frame, and the wonderful engraving was done by Chris Meyer. ALL the little fittings and medallions were crafted by Jack. Some workmanship devoted here!

It has a little flipper latch at the top of the center bar, which swings up and over, and cam-levers the center spring lock. The blade clicks politely out 1" with a soft helper spring. The mechanism is very tight and European in style and design.

As always, comments welcome! :D


BTW--how do you like my NEW Sony DSC-S70 digital camera work?

I have seen his work in Blade and think his stuff is gorgeous. The workmanship and detail are fantastic. The whole design is unique sort of a LeverLock propelled into the future. When you say 1" inch push do you mean that its more like an assisted opener then?
That knife sure looks unique! And the camera seems to have something wrong with it, perhaps you should send it to my house for a look see :D just kidding of course, excellent pics.

That is a knife to fondle for sure, EDC, why not?
wishing I had a nice camera....
One word Coop! MAAV-RUS! It rooks, maav-rus. Got photos too. I'm in the market for a new digital camera and think I'll take a look at the Sonys. Great close up detail. What's the zooms?? Optical, digital, or both??
....for your comments!

Strider (Bob): No, the opening is a locking system in BOTH the open and closed position. When you pop that tab, it pitches out the blade about an inch. Enough to get it out of the nest. If it was a stiffer spring, it would be a full auto (which he could convert, if I wanted. I don't).

Larry: Nothing like a few new toys to keep men happy! :D
This Sony has 6X optical and digital as well. It has every bell and whistle that I don't yet have a clue to do with. Nothing like excess!
Clarity and close-up detail is amazing! (I reduced this pic's size to load quicker. Full size is like looking through a magnifying lense!)


You gonna have that baby in MA. Sunday? Could I just peek at it and then vapor-lock:) :) :) STUNNING!!!!!!wolf
I'm a member of the Empire Knife Club, and get to see Jack's work every month. I have seen, and handled many of his works of art! I call them works of art, rather than knives, because they go so much further than just being a cutting tool! The pictures of Jack's work don't do them justice. To fully appreciate the "Old World" craftsmanship, you HAVE to hold one in your hand. Blade , I HAVE held that knife in my hand, and I envy you! I wish I could afford to get one from Jack.
To Gary G., Jack's knives would be a great E.D.C., they are of the highest quality. I, however would be afraid of loosing, or even scratching it, the cost of Jack's work is in the upper end of custom pieces.
I have to agree with Gary..I think you'd better send that camera to me so I can work out some of the bugs :cool:

Absolutely gorgeous photos!!! Thanks for sharing.., that knife just pushes the design envelope off the table...really interesting piece!

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