Now I'm getting worried!!!!!!!!!

Feb 1, 2001
No snow all year and in the last day and a half we get 3 feet and still going strong! If this does not let up soon I might not make it to the convention!:mad: All the highways are closed and this damm snow is still pounding! I can't even get my front door open it is that high! :eek:

We are in a bad drought so we really need the moisture but not on this week! Hopefully it will stop by tonight or Friday AM as I want to start driving the 15+ hour trip to Reno but if it is going to be slow driving on the highways I don't think I even want to start driving!:( :( :( :( :mad:

We were expecting it to hit us here in Rapid City.... BUT it has stayed right over you and Wyo...

QUIT hogging the moisture!!! :D :p

Dayum if the sky here isn't clearing up too...


If you do make it out you door, be CAREFUL driving to the khukvention!
*#@%* it!!!! This is so frusterating! I took my last 3 vacation days I had off from work to make this trip! I sure hope this snow will stop and they get the highways open by Tomorrow! Stay tuned!:mad: :(
Can anyone tell me where the snow clears up towards the west side of wyoming or the eastern side of Utah? I looked for a phone number to call for road conditions on I80 but did not find one. Does anyone know of a number I can call befor I try to leave so I know what I will be in for?
Originally posted by SkagSig40
Can anyone tell me where the snow clears up towards the west side of wyoming or the eastern side of Utah? I looked for a phone number to call for road conditions on I80 but did not find one. Does anyone know of a number I can call befor I try to leave so I know what I will be in for?

Try these:

Colo: 303-639-1111 (road conditions) 303-337-2500 (weather info)

UT: 801-964-6000 (road conditions) 801-524-5133 (weather info)

Hope this helps...

I was planning to leave Thursday morning but as of right now I-25 is closed to I-80. It says "adverse conditions" in Wyoming and almost every darn road is closed up there!:(
The storm could have held off till you got started and you would have been caught in the middle of it. At least this way you are safe and not stuck in a snow bank some where between home and reno.
Well I-80 is still closed. I talked to Heber and it looks like some things with his work and school came up and he does not think he can make it.:( Looks like we might have to sit this one out.:( Maybe the next one could be in the summer some time. I'm going to blame this one on Mother Nature!
Skag, snow doesn't usually last this late in the season. Don't give up.

I wish I could go. There's a bunch of you I'd like to meet. The whole bunch.

Originally posted by SkagSig40
Well I-80 is still closed. I talked to Heber and it looks like some things with his work and school came up and he does not think he can make it.:( Looks like we might have to sit this one out.:( Maybe the next one could be in the summer some time. I'm going to blame this one on Mother Nature!

Thanks for understanding.;) Missing work and class this weekend and next weekend would probably not be a good thing.

Maybe we should throw a convention this summer.