Now taking orders: REKAT Sifu's!


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998

Bob called me earlier today to let me know that the SIFU's are just around the corner, literally.

We're looking at 2-3 weeks till delivery of them, and since they were conceived right here on, he's decided that we can lay claim to the first 50. This is the entire first run, and the next run will not be available until 90 days later.

Specs are as follows: The blade is ATS-34, with a stone washed finish, and the handle is G-10 (green or black). 12" OAL, 5.4" Blade, 6.74" handle, with ambi thumb studs, 301 hardened steel (RC43) blade stop, with an estimated 740 lbs on the lock. The knife can be right or left handed, you pick, but we need to know fast.

Oh yeah, and each blade is hand ground, as they do not have tooling yet to machine grind them (it's being built). So, quite possibly, these could be the only hand ground Sifu's available.

As stated earlier, the price on these knives will be $179.95 each. This is $10 less than the MSRP is going to be ($189.95, $199.95 for Black T), with hand ground blades on this first run.

If we don't get a minimum number of orders, the knives will go to the distributors, and not, and I know everyone would hate that because then we wouldn't be able to do more things for you guys

Anyhow, if you are interested, the page again is:

Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Great !!!
Let me be the first sign-on here (and over at the store) for the LH Sifu w/ green handle.
Spark, since this is a BF-designed blade, will it have a BladeForums imprint similar to that used on the Blue Native?

Life is a journey, not a guided tour -- GO ARMED!

Spark, you've made it a little too challenging to get to the right page. The link in this forum works, but the rest of them have various problems.
WHOOPS! Looks like I was stupid and made the link wrong on the main knife page. Oops. Well, it's pointing to the right page now...

See, even I make mistakes.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
OK guys (and gals), I've done my part; now we only need 49 more orders! Time's a-wasting!

Life is a journey, not a guided tour -- GO ARMED!

301 hardened steel (RC43) blade stop,Spark thats the second strike. The Lock Stop and Pivot are 440C Percision Ground and a RC58-60
The liners are 301 stainless. One more strike and your out boy.

Bob Taylor

Some days it's not worth chewing through the restraints and escaping.
Spark, your announcement, on the announcements page, has a malformed html tag.
It shouldn't anymore. DOH!


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here

I am going to order a SIFU -GREEN - LEFTY of course!

I will add the two LEFTY BN sheaths to the order, too.

Ray 'md2020'

[This message has been edited by maddog2020 (edited 13 August 1999).]
We're only getting 5 lefty sheaths, so put it in the comments section on the order form.

Maybe I should add a lefty section though..


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Found it Spark, Thanks!

Do they make SIFU sheaths, or should I say fannypacks/

Ray 'md2020'
I went to Home Depot tonight. Luckily the one I went to closed at 10:00 p.m. or I may have stayed the whole night! I purchased an air compressor. I got home, read my email (of course), saw the email about this knife and ordered a right hand one with green micarta. Looks like a very cool knife.

OHMAWGOSH! Help! I nearly lost my sense and ordered one, even though I have no money right now. Only thing that "saved" me was the fact that I like my blades coated. If that ever came around I think that would throw me over the edge.
Another one bites the dust.

And kids, remember this: Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.