Ny Knife show .

Feb 4, 1999
Well just got back a bit ago from the NY Knife show. THe wife and I loved it. Got there about 12:10 and the place was mobbed. Stayed busy right through. Ricky Fowler had some new designs and one of his walking sticks. I loved one of his new designs and feel a little disturbed that I left without it. Oh well ... the show is there the rest of the weekend. His walking stick is a stout, beutiful piece that was well done and like his knives kinda chunky. This is one you use and pass on from generation to generation. Dont want to give all of you the wrong impression, I love his stuff and have bought three knives from him as well as a wonderful sheath done by his absolutly effevescent wife. Speaking of which sells at the show her own leather work. Let me tell you this stuff is Wonderful. Possibles bags, sheaths and a few other wonderful buckskin type pieces. For an idea check out my home page to see a pic of one of her sheaths with Ricky's Small trade knives.

Dozier was there and as always taunting me with his wares. This time I could not resist and brought home a Pro guide. Light, Fast, feels good in the hand and reasonably priced. As always the crowd around his table was two deep and he is center stage and talking to everyone. Always so nice to see him at shows. The only dissapointing thing is that I have spent the last three days walking around my house crowing about how sharp I made my sebenza and after passing the dozier over my arm hairs and watching them just leap out of the folicles in fear ..... well .... My sebenza is not the Razor I thought it was ... drag .... Back to the stones. While Im talking about the sebenza ..... Um ..... I must say that I have wanted one of Doziers folders in D2 for three years now and the problem is once you buy a Sebenza you never have a real good excuse to buy another folder. You have to sell it because I cant see how you break it.

Went right to the Busse table. I just had to see and feel the new e models. As I walked up Andy and Greg Were there and I was greeted like we were hanging out yesterday. As I and countless others have said ... Doing business with Andy is not only painless but enjoyable. What a wonderful guy to do business with. I went home with a SH II Oh man .. Ill write more in the Busse forum but this knife is a very nice improvement over the straight handle. There is more to the new knife line than a change in handle but like I said I will write more at Busse.

Lots of tomahawks and small hand axes around. Very beutiful stuff. Joan did come home with a puukko and is already talking about how she is going to live off the land in alaska. Ah ... We all have a fantasy attached to some of our knives. So its alaska !?!?

There were some really interesting Randalls. Of course they were priced accordingly but they were cool non the less. Tim Britton (sp) had a fighter that when I picked it up I .... Well ... I ... I think ... I just might have got a little Wood. Cant explain it. It was stag handle full tang but the profile was so sweet it was art work and in the hand it was most definatly alive. Closest thing to a light saber I swear. Buuutttt ..... at 600.00 it was just out of my league. Maybe Ill just have to think harder about that one. Maybe there is one in my future.

Got to visit the RJ Martin table. Oh man those Wasabi's. Pictures are nice but just getting to pick one up was fun. Beautiful. If its within your price point ..... by all means.

Joan and I had a great time. I may be back again this weekend. THere is much more to tell.



Updated 10/15/00
I'm taking the train up from Baltimore tomorrow, hope to see a lot of BFC folks! Thanks for the update Alex. I guess you missed PhilL, since I think he is going tonite. Oh well. Everyone, please don't buy all the good stuff before I get there

Went to the show today too, much bigger than last year, if I remember right. Good to see RJ Martin, but bad to see the nasty bandage on his right hand, and yep, it was from working with the steel...

I did want to see Steve Corkum's work, but unfortunately his table was empty. For those of you who went later to the show, did he show up?

My first knife show! Just got home. I'm still dazed. It is a real difference seeing these knives for real. R.J.Martin, Busse, Strider ... pictures just can't do them justice. I don't mean to slight so many others, because there were so many beautiful knives and swords and axes everywhere I looked ... but I have an idea what I'm going to be saving my nickels and dimes for now!?
Well, great show, and my first show. I got there around 1:00 and it was more crowded than a subway at rush hour. It's always nice to hold many knives over and over. Stopped at the elishewitz table and handled two of his Djinn knives, one in plain steel and one in Damascus, and noticed the action was quite a bit different on the two. When I asked why, the lady at the table explained that the damascus gives a different feel to the action. I'd have taken either one if I could've afforded it. But I found that tidbit about Damascus folders vs. plain folders interesting -- one of those things that makes sense when you hear it but you wouldn't necessarily realize it on your own.
I suppose some of the difference could've come as well from the fact that they're not factory made knives.

The next table I hit was Strider knives, to handle the often-debated 'non-ergonomic' cord wrapped handles. It actually feels pretty solid, though I can see how it might heat up after a while. I handled a couple, and the first two things I noticed were the handle and the weight -- VERY solid, powerful feel to those Strider knives. I mentioned that I was disappointed because I'd expected them to be chopping up some metal pipes and maybe the table or some other knives, but unfortunately the hotel wouldn't allow them...well, maybe at the next show.
Holding them I definitely felt the urge to demolish something!

Headed to Al Mar's table as well, and handled the Sere 2000 that I've heard so much about here. Nice knife, but unfortunately my hands are too big for the handle.

Got a demo of White Lightning too -- finally a lubricant that works on my Sebenza! Had to pick up two bottles at the lower 'show price'

Handled some other knives, but these two were the ones that impressed me out of what I did get to see. That's not to say I saw it all: after fighting my way through the crowd to give the show a good once-over, wading through the 4-deep masses of people, and finally getting to those two, I decided to sound the retreat and call it a day. Which means I'll probably be back there tomorrow with some extra time to spend.

[This message has been edited by ski (edited 11-10-2000).]
i just got back into PA on the Martz bus...yeah, the show was jammed....funny how one side of the room seemed jungle-like and the other side was cooler.
picked up a couple of pieces...most pricey was this beastly Becker, with a kukri curve in it, awesome...
said hello to Ricky Fowler; bought a neat badboy tanto from him last year....
Bram did some "demonstrations" on me with his drone for the Gunting....wowed my wife...picked up his video on the Gunting so i'm gonna be ordering one....it's one excellent knife/i should say tool, cause he really expands on the uses of that little baby! my arm's still sore! it was worth the wait to get to the Spyderco table to talk with him (and his daughter was there with him, Gunting and trainer right in hand).
Ran into Rugger; Lifter4Him...
Good show; wish the bus ride home was less bumpy...
Well I made a mistake and now I need help. It was not Tim Britton who had the fighter I was refering to. I believe he was actually just to the left left of Tim between tim and Andy. The fighter Im talking about looked like a western design with a double guard and square like stag scales on a full tapered tang. This particular maker had many stag handled knives but he had two of these fighters front and center. Like I said I thinkhe was either right next to or the following table after Tim Britton. Anyone know who Im talking about. I may not make it back to the show this weekend and I would like to get in touch with him.



Updated 10/15/00
Alex, that maker was PJ Tomes. Rugger picked up a real nice paring knife from him.Show was great as usual. Was there from opening to closing, but of course Grnamin and Brian Caffrey beat me there again(I got there an hour before it opened) Met about 20 of the guys there and Donna Barnas. Was good to put faces with the names, but no one ever looks like I expect. Show was really crowded at times but it always is. Was good seeing all of you, I'm not gonna try and name everybody I saw cause I know I'll leave someone out. But did get to meet PhilL(ya bastid)

Dave (Phil.4:13)
I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me
Lifter at work: www.profitness.com/Profiles/profileDaveAbramson

[This message has been edited by lifter4Him@aol.com (edited 11-11-2000).]
Thank lifter !! I cant get that or many other of his knives out of my head. But that 5-6.5 inch Shefield (sp) style bowie was absolutly outstanding to hold. Does he have a site? Like I can rationalize away 600.00. Ah dreams are free. Who else is making this style knife?
Sorry I missed everyone at the show.

Another memorable knife .... well there were tons .... but ... I had an opportunity to hold the Lightfoot ... I think it was the sierra at the LDC table. Spearpoint about 6inches. Another one that dances in the hand. I hate BG42 but the balance and ergo's are great on this knife.



Updated 10/15/00

[This message has been edited by Boriqua (edited 11-11-2000).]
Ok, forgot. After Bram beat the hell out of my thumb abd arm with his Gunting demonstration, his daughter(who has some nice ink,btw) gave me a really neat little hat pin of a Spydewrench. Will go good with the pin from last year of the mini-dyad. Thanks

Dave (Phil.4:13)
I Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens Me
Lifter at work: www.profitness.com/Profiles/profileDaveAbramson
Hey lifter4Him...
my thumb is feeling a bit better today!! i'm definitely gonna get a Gunting...
also picked up a little Machaxe from Becker over at the Camillus table...
Well, went back for day 2 today. Looked at R.J. Martin's folder, the Q-36 I think, but unfortunately he told me he wasn't even taking orders for it. Too bad for me, but maybe in the future...

Also looked at a fixed blade fighter at Casteel's table and nearly drooled on myself...the handle was very bulky, felt like the knife was made for me. Too bad the price wasn't equally perfect for my broke ass

I also chatted for a while with W.D. Pease, who was real friendly and informative about the business to a newbie like me. He was down to one model left by the time I got there, but it was a pretty nice one, gold filigreed pearl handles, mosaic bolsters, nice filework on the blade, and a real smooth action to it.

Also visited Tom Anderson's table, again a real friendly guy. He had some nice designs, some wharncliffe style folders, liner lock, and even had a lefty folder with him. I hadn't heard his name before, but that's probably due to my newness to this area of knowledge. I would've picked up one of his pieces but again the wallet is a bit flat at the moment.

And then of course I did plenty of drooling at the jw denton table with all the loveless knives. I kept having near heart-attacks as I saw the prices, but it was worth it just to handle some of his knives.

Saw some knives by Farid, from the UK. He wasn't at the table there but two of his knives were. Damascus/San-Mai, VERY solid handles, VERY solid lockup. Both were sold, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more of his stuff. Does anybody have a URL or pics of his knives?

Anyway, the show was a great experience, and next time around (in March, I believe), I'll be taking some serious money...it almost hurt having to put some of those knives down again

I was there on Friday, but had to leave at 3:00. Didn't get to meet any of you guys because I was too busy running around trying to see all the knives. There were some young new makers that had beautiful stuff. I was trying hard to hold myself back from buying anything, but gave in and left with a beautiful folder from Pease with gold and black pearl handles, meteorite bolsters, and damascus by Zowada with meteorite in it. Paul Grussenmeyer's table also had some great stuff. I hope it's gone by tomorrow so I won't have to buy anything else
. Maybe I'll get to meet some of you tomorrow. The atmosphere should be more relaxed than on Fri.

[This message has been edited by yitz (edited 11-15-2000).]
Hmmm. Bram was a bit aggressive on my hands/ arms when he was demonstrating the Gunting...

Steve Corkum was there on Saturday... cordwrapping a paper tube (???).

Farid informed me that he will have a site up soon. His folders appear to be built like the proverbial tank. He does however, require full payment up front for any ordered knives.


PS- Esav Benjamin: so, you can speak after all!

Wow, this sounds better than the Blade Show in Atlanta!!! Pleaaaaaassseeeee post some pix for us homebound knifenuts!!!!

Always think of your fellow knife makers as partners in the search for the perfect blade, not as people trying to compete with you and your work!
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms!!!