NYC Knife Questions

Oct 12, 1998
I´m going to New York on Monday and have a couple of questions.

What bladelength is legal in NYC, is a delica or M16 spearpoint ok?
Where am I absolutly not allowed to bring knives not even a sak? other then airport...

Where is a good place to buy knives at a reasonable price?

all help is appreciated.

Here’s a link to New York State and City knife laws -

To summarize, you can carry a knife with a blade less than 4 inches, provided that it is carried concealed. Switch blades and gravity knives are illegal (if you have a folder that is easily flicked open, you may want to tighten the pivot, so that it will not be confused with a gravity knife).
If you plan on going to any parks run by the Federal Government (like Liberty Island), than you are limited to folders with blades under 2.5 inches in length.
Many places such as the Empire State Building, museums and some nightclubs have metal detectors and don’t allow knives (some will hold the knife until you come out – some won’t). If you are going somewhere that doesn’t allow knives it is best to leave it in your hotel room and avoid the hassle and risk of loosing your knife.
I agree with everything above. To answere yoiur last question..there is no place in NYC to buy knives affordably. Paragon sports, downtown, has a nice selection to look at (so I'm told).
Since the events of 9/11, there is very broad discretion used by officials and peace officers of what is considered legal and illegal. Needless to say, this is partially dependent on what situation you are in should a blade be discovered on your person. DO NOT attempt to enter any federal, state or city agency facility with any knife. You will NOT be permitted to enter even if you voluntarily disclose that you have a knife on our person before walking thru their metal detectors. They will NOT hold any knife for you. In some cases, you can be taken into custody for questioning. Other facilities include hospitals, libraries, post offices, etc. Look for and read any signs before attempting to enter.

As for the Empire State Buliding- NO knives. Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty- forget about even thinking of entering the ferry terminal with any knife. The US Marshalls are stationed there along with NYPD, US Customs, and US Park Police. Case closed!

It is a good idea to travel with appropriate i.d. If you think there are places you shouldn' t go with a knife, then you probably shouldn' t.

All that being said though, there are great places to shop, eat and go for entertainment! Unfortunately buying knives aren' t a real bargain in the Big Apple.:(

Matt, the East Coast Custom Knife Show takes place here next week- March 7, 8, 9 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in mid town Manhattan at Broadway and 49th St...

Hmmm a coustum knife show. my girlfriend will be pleased to hear that:;)
thanks for all your advises.
hell, whre can i get cahart cloths and schott leather jackets. i remember steinmanns army surplus on broadway. still in business?

Yep, the ECCK show is one of the big ones on the East Coast. Many members of this and other forums attend every year.

The landmark Canal Jean Co. has unfortunately closed its doors after almost 30 years. :( :( They had every brand of clothing imaginable, including Schott and Carhart. But the Broadway strip from Canal St. to 14 St. Union Square area are literally lined up with clothing and shoe stores. It is a great walk leading up to Paragon Sports where you will find the finest and largest display of handmade/ customs in NYC. They also stock all of the popular production lines. You and your girlfriend will find something to suit your tastes in their huge 3 floors. Be sure to visit Strands bookstore at 14th and Broadway- miles of books, new and used. Starbucks if you like designer coffees and a few breweries if you do not prefer caffiene. All this around the Union Square Park area.

There is the Iceberg of SOHO Army and Navy at lower Broadway near Canal St. They are a full retail (prices as well!) for all military clothing, Carharts, Alpha Industries, Hi Tech boots, Zippo lighters, dogtags, KNIVES, Royal Robbins hiking gear, all popular flashlights, insignia patches, etc. They may have Schott jackets as well.

Steinmanns? Not sure I' ve been there.

Let me add my two cents.
In order as I like to walk through the trip that we might just call NYCKT (NY City Knife Tour). Keep in mind that all of these are overpriced compared to Internet stores. The quality is descending in this order:

-Iceberg Army-Navy of Soho at 455 Broadway (walk North on Broadway from Canal Street) (212- 226-8454, Mon.-Fri. 10a.m.-6:30p.m., Sat.-Sun. 11a.m.-6:30p.m). Good selection of factory folders and fixed blades and a very friendly and knowledgable assistant at the knife section many times. It is always fun just to talk a bit to him about knew knives. He is a real knife fan. Nakano might also know him. The store also sells self-defense and army-navy goods as well as lighters and watches.

-Walk North on Broadway. There is an EMS sport store (611 Broadway, 212-505-9860) at Houston corner on the way with a PC knife selection of few small CRKTs. Next is Paragon Sports at 867 Broadway (at 18th Street). (212- 255-8036, Mon.-Sat. 10a.m.-8p.m., Sun. 11a.m.-6:30p.m.). Lotsa expensive custom folders (only place I know of in NYC) and some factory folders and few fixed blades. Expensive sport goods, watches and optics but worth to look at if interested in Zeiss, Leica, and Swarowski optics. However, for optics I would visit B&H Photo and Video. The knife selection has been somewhat shrinking in the last two years.

-Take a few minutes break at the nearby Union Square Market and enjoy some pastry or fresh organic fruit.

-Walk over to Weiss & Mahoney Army and Navy (142 Fifth Avenue at 19th Street, 212- 675-1915). Ontario machete, few Gerbers and Ka-bar, not more else but has some interesting literature (e.g. Everybody's Knife Bible).

-A Barnes & Noble book store and a Sephora cosmetics store are nearby, if interested.

-To see the lower end of the spectrum too, you might walk further North on 6th Avenue to between 28th and 29th Street to Goodland Martial Arts Supplies (823 6th Avenue, 212-643-8216, Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Sun. 11a.m.-5p.m.), a martial art supply store, that sells an eclectic mix of Benchmade, Spydie, CRKT, and questionable quality folders of the Far East as well as martial art goods and karate videos.

I would definitely check out Iceberg and Paragon.

Hope it helps and have a good trip,

Matt go to 6th ave . Goodland is a good shop, I have been dealing with them for over 15yrs. See alex or Rose they will help you out. You can buy the clothes items there on 6th ave 23rd st - 35thst. it is a good tour to take especially on weekends
Just to add my two cents worth and I hope that no one here takes this the wrong way but Matthias I am not sure if you are a native born German or another nationality but with the current high alert level on terrorism (especially in NYC) I would caution against trying to push your luck at any of the places listed above and at any clubs. If you were a born and bred American I would tell you the same but I know that anyone from out of the country is scrutinized even more in these situations.

With that said I'm glad you're coming over the pond and hope that you enjoy your stay.

I'm also pretty envious about that custom show:grumpy:
I'm a Native - I carry a 3.75" blade knife EVERY day, and have NEVER had a problem - Then again, I don't go to the usual tourist places. The Post Office, etc have never been a problem. I have not had to go to the ESB since 9/11, and if I was going, it would not be to the Obervation deck, so I probably would not have a problem - I have NOT gone to Liberty Island in about 20 years, so that isn't a problem either.

I have NOT seen many/any checks for knives since about 3 weeks post 9/11, except for 1 - I was assigned to work the WTC site for the 9/11/02 event, and as I had to go through Secret Service checkpoints, I KNEW not to bring ANYTHING
I´m off to NY in a couple of hours. Thanks everyone for your valuable input. Maybe I see some of you at the custom knive show.

I´ll write about my experiences.
