NYC Skyline 03-11-02

Aug 30, 2001
This is for all those who couldn't make it out to the pier last night. I took this photo moments after the initial lighting. Originally posted on the Strider forum and a lot of people liked it. I figured I'd share it with the rest of you. The "Tribute In Light" is a memorial and will be displayed for an entire month.



Shelby Chan
That is one great shot Shelby. I saw it again last night on MSNBC when Ashleigh Banfield was doing a report from what looked like the same spot on the pier. Right behind her in the frame was your picture. Well almost. Yours is much better. Will
WOW!!! Shelby, I saw this a few days ago when you first put it up. I was hoping better words would come to describe how I felt upon seeing it. I am STILL stuck on WOWW!!! Thanks for passing such a fine photo to us nifenutts!! I second NEO's statement, I will buy a photo copy as well!! PEACE,
Mike B
BCC #572
Thanks for taking the time to post the photo. Boy do i have mixed emotions looking at it. Puts a lump in my throat...